Bakhishlı Ulvi Rafael
Ulvu Rafael Bakhishli was born on March 4, 1992 in the village of Sirab, Babek district.
In 2009, he graduated from high school with honors and was admitted to the "Economics" specialty of the "Economics" faculty of Nakhchivan State University with high results.
In 2013, he finished his Bachelor's degree with honors.
During his university years, he was represented in many public institutions and led an active student life. He represented the university many times in domestic and international competitions. A member of the Enactus team of the university, he later became its captain, and together with the team, he successfully represented the country in the world championship held in California, USA, and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, as the winner of the national competition twice. Currently, he is the university head of that team.
He was in active military service in 2013-2014.
In 2014-2016, he graduated from Nakhchivan State University's master's degree in "Regulation of Economy" with honors.
Since 2016, he has been working as an hourly lecturer at the "World Economy" chair of Nakhchivan State University. Later, he was a full-time lecturer of the "Economics" chair, and currently he is the senior lecturer of the "International trade and management" chair.
Since 2019, he has been continuing his studies at the doctoral level of Nakhchivan State University in the specialty "Organization and Management of Enterprises". The topic of the dissertation is "Socio-economic goals of entrepreneurship development in Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic" and the research is in the final stage.
He participated in many local and foreign trainings and was awarded with more than 20 different diplomas, certificates and letters of appreciation.
He participated in various international events held in USA, Netherlands, Malaysia, Belgium and Turkey.
In September 2020, he was appointed to the position of head of the Finance Department of NSU - chief accountant.
From November 2023, he was appointed to the position of Rector's advisor (on economic issues) of NSU.
He is the author of 1 subject program, 1 monograph and 6 articles.
He has been a member of the New Azerbaijan Party since 2009.
He is married and has 2 children.
1. "Modern features of Economic Management" - "Development of methodological bases of social and economic goals"
Subject program:
1. Global economic problems - recommended for publication by the decision of the meeting of the Scientific Council of Nakhchivan State University on May 1, 2018 (protocol No. 08)
Scientific articles:
1. Heydər Əliyev və müasirləşən Naxçıvan iqtisadiyyatında infrastrukuturun vəziyyəti - "Heydər Əliyev və müasirləşən Naxçıvan iqtisadiyyatı" beynəlxalq konfransın materialları, Naxçıvan, 2016.
2. Beynəlxalq infrastruktur layihələrinin Azərbaycan iqtisadiyyatında rolu - Naxçıvan Dövlət Universiteti, Elmi Əsərlər jurnalı, İctimai elmlər seriyası, №2 (91), Naxçıvan,Qeyrət, 2018.
3. Naxçıvan Muxtar Respublikası iqtisadiyyatında xarici iqtisadi əlaqələrin yeri və rolu - Naxçıvan Dövlət Universiteti, Elmi Əsərlər jurnalı, İctimai elmlər seriyası, Nº6 (95), Naxçıvan,Qeyrət, 2018.
4. Qloballaşma şəraitində Azərbaycanda yeni iqtisadi məqalə modellərin formalaşması və sahibkarlıq - Qloballaşan iqtisadiyyat və Mühasibat uçotu: Mövcud vəziyyət,reallıqlar və problemlər.Elmi konfrans.
5. Naxçıvan Muxtar Respublikasında sahibkarlığın inkişafında dövlət dəstəyinin rolu və onun nəticələri - İqtisadi inkişafın Naxçıvan modeli və mühasibat uçotunun actual problemləri, Elmi konfrans. Naxçıvan,Qeyrət,2020.
6. Naxçıvan Muxtar Respublikasında sahibkarlığın inkişafının sosial-iqtisadi nəticələri - Naxçıvan Dövlət Universiteti, Elmi Əsərlər jurnalı, İctimai elmlər seriyası, №2 (103), Naxçıvan,Qeyrət, 2020.