Rules on attestation of doctoral students and dissertations



About the attestation of doctoral students rules

I confirm:

Rector______________ Elbrus Isayev


    It was adopted by the decision No. 1 of the Scientific Council of Nakhchivan State University dated September 06, 2023 and approved by the rector's order No. 14 dated September 07, 2023. 1. General provisions

• Rules for the attestation of doctoral students and doctoral students at Nakhchivan State University (hereafter the Rules) "On Education" and "On Science" laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan, approved by the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated July 1, 2010 No. Admission Rules", prepared on the basis of the statutes of Nakhchivan State University and defines the rules of uniform attestation of doctoral students and dissertations at Nakhchivan State University.

• Doctoral students and dissertation students must undergo attestation in accordance with these Regulations approved by the Scientific Council of Nakhchivan State University at least once a year.

• The duration of the attestation is determined by the rector of Nakhchivan State University.

• The implementation of the individual work plan of the doctoral student (dissertation) is regularly monitored by the department, faculty, and the Master's and Doctorate center. The schedule of the attestation is prepared by the director of the Master's and doctoral center in agreement with the university vice-rector for science and innovations, deanery and department management, doctoral students and dissertation candidates are informed about it in advance.

• The continuation of the doctoral student and dissertation student in the next academic year is determined based on the result of the attestation.

• During their studies, doctoral students and dissertation students work on the basis of an individual work plan approved by the Scientific Council of Nakhchivan State University.

• The doctoral student periodically reports on the implementation of the individual work plan at the department, section, department, laboratory meetings of Nakhchivan State University.

• Doctoral students and dissertators have the right to receive assistance from the university management in the implementation of an individual work plan, in obtaining the necessary equipment, as well as materials related to the topic of scientific research work.

• Doctoral students and dissertation students have the right to use the library, laboratories, existing equipment of Nakhchivan State University, to go on business trips, including to foreign countries, to participate in expeditions to conduct research on the topic of the dissertation.

• During the doctoral and dissertation studies:

• must acquire professional knowledge in depth;

• acquire the skills to conduct independent scientific research;

• to master the methodology of conducting scientific research;

• Take exams in accordance with the "Regulation on the Procedure for Awarding Scientific Degrees" approved by Decree No. 728 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated June 11, 2019;

• publish articles reflecting the results of scientific research;

• approve the results of scientific research;

• must complete scientific researches fully implement the individual work plan;

1.      Attestation of doctoral students and dissertation students

2.1. Doctoral students and dissertation students must pass the attestation in accordance with the "Rules" at least once a year. The purpose of the attestation is to evaluate the activities of the doctoral students and dissertations planned for the current (past) year in their individual work plans.

2.2. For attestation, the doctoral student (dissertation) takes the individual work plan from the Master's and doctoral center, makes the necessary notes about the work performed for the attested work in the forms approved by the Scientific Council of Nakhchivan State University, and submits it to the assigned department.

2.3. Doctoral students and dissertators who do not pay the annual tuition fee are not admitted to attetation. Departments are informed about this by the Master's and doctoral center

2.4. The doctoral student (dissertation) reports on the work performed during the current year at the department meeting attended by the scientific supervisor and presents the results of the work provided in the individual work plan. The doctoral student (dissertation) also provides information about the work plan for the next year.

2.5. During the reporting period, the academic supervisor must evaluate the activity of the doctoral student (dissertation) based on the form approved by the university's Scientific Council.

2.6. At the department meeting, one of the following decisions on the attestation result should be made:

- To be certified (the planned work has been completed in full and it is recommended to continue his education in the next year)

- To be conditionally attested (a certain part of the intended work has been completed and it is required to be completed in full within the period determined by the department)

– Failure to be attested (the intended works were not performed for no good reason)

2.7. After the attestation in the department, the attestation sheet of the doctoral student (dissertation) is signed with appropriate notes and submitted to the Scientific Council of the relevant faculty together with an extract from the discussion protocol of the department. Together with a set of supporting documents and supporting grounds (photo, video).

2.8. After the Attestation at the Scientific Council of the relevant faculty, the attestation sheet of the doctoral student (dissertation) is made and signed with appropriate notes and submitted to the Master's and doctoral center of the university together with an extract from the discussion protocol of the Scientific Council of the Faculty. Together with a set of supporting documents and supporting grounds (photo, video).

2.9. The master's and doctoral center submits documents to the University Scientific Council for confirmation of the attestation results.

2.10. The attestation process is considered completed after the final decision of the university Scientific Council on the annual attestation of the doctoral student (dissertation) is accepted and approved by the rector.  Appropriate notes are made on the attestation sheet and submitted to the Master's and doctoral center for storage.

2.11. A person who does not fulfill the individual work plan due to unexcused reasons, does not contact the department to which he is assigned, is considered not to have passed the attestation and is excluded from the doctoral program.

2.12.    Persons who meet the requirements of the "Regulation on the Procedure for Awarding Scientific Degrees" approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated June 11, 2019 No. 728, are allowed to defend their dissertation to receive the scientific degrees of "Doctor of Philosophy" and "Doctor of Sciences".

1. Final provisions

3.1. These Rules are approved by the decision of the Scientific Council of Nakhchivan State University and enter into force after approval by the relevant order of the Rector of Nakhchivan State University.

3.2. The rules can be canceled, supplemented and changed by the decision of the Scientific Council of Nakhchivan State University. The decision taken by the Scientific Council comes into force after it is approved by the relevant order of the Rector of Nakhchivan State University.