Sample contract

Nakhchivan city                                                                                “___”____________


“Nakhchivan State University”, hereinafter referred to as the University, and _________________________, the other party, which will be referred to as "foreign student", entered into an Agreement with the following content.


1.The subject of the contract

Nakhchivan State University undertakes to provide foreign students with educational plans that meet the state standards of the Republic of Azerbaijan on a fee-based basis, to provide education in the ________________ specialty according to the level of ________ education, for the foreign student to receive education in accordance with the state standards in the specialty of his choice, to pay the tuition fee in the amount of ___ manats for each academic year to the University takes . 


2.Duties of the parties

2.1. University:

2.1.1. after the foreign student pays at least 50 percent of the annual tuition fee to the account of the educational institution before the start of the academic year, orders his admission to the University;

2.1.2. in accordance with the state educational standards of teaching, provides specialist training in accordance with the competencies (competencies) determined by educational programs developed for individual specialties;

2.1.3. enables a foreign student to use the rights and guarantees established for citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan studying on a paid basis;

2.1.4. introduces the foreign student to the educational process and internal disciplinary rules and explains his rights and duties;

2.1.5. after successful completion of the foreign student’s education, the state gives him a model document on education.


2.2.Foreign student:

2.2.1. collects the required credits by studying according to the curriculum of the chosen specialty;

2.2.2. pays the tuition fee to the bank account of the university on an annual basis by ____;

2.2.3. Follows the internal disciplinary rules of the university.

2.2.4. Within 90 (ninety) days from the date of formalization of admission to the educational institutions of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the form of full-time education, they submit to the University a copy of the document confirming their residence in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan.



Additional terms of the contract

3.1. The University has the right to terminate this Agreement concluded with a foreign student in the following cases:

3.1.1. when he commits cases prohibited by internal disciplinary rules;

3.1.2. If the tuition fee is not paid within the period specified by the contract;

3.1.3. if there is a court decision on deprivation of liberty or a decision on extradition beyond the borders of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

3.1.4. If they do not submit a copy of the document confirming their residence in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the educational institution within the period specified by subsection 2.2.4 of this Agreement.

3.2. If a foreign student is unable or unwilling to continue his studies for any reason, as well as if he is expelled from the University for the above reasons, the paid tuition fee is not refunded.

3.3. Disputes arising between the parties regarding the violation of the terms of the contract are considered in the courts of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

3.4. This Agreement is in the Azerbaijani language and is drawn up in 2 identical copies, one copy is kept in the personal file of the foreign student at the University, and the other copy is kept by the foreign student himself.


Name, surname and patronymic of the foreign student:_____________________________

Signature: ______________

Address: ________________



Signature: ______________

Address: Republic of Azerbaijan, Nakhchivan city, University campus, AZ7012


TIN: 0200150211

Tel: (+99436) 544-08-61

FaX: (+99436) 545-72-88
