Student Affairs and Event Organization Department

To ensure the systematic organization of student affairs at the University, the Student Affairs and Event Organization Department was established as an independent structure. Its goal is to enhance the artistic and aesthetic level of students, contribute to the formation of cultural lifestyles, and organize roundtables, conferences, seminars, meetings, and socio-cultural events. It conducts cultural-mass events within and outside the University in accordance with the requirements of the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan, supports the organization of student activities, and promotes achievements in the field of education and international cooperation.

The division's main tasks include eliminating randomness and non-professionalism in organizing events at the University, ensuring control over selected repertoires and event durations, organizing international and local events and exhibitions, and establishing work with NGOs. It also focuses on preparing students for participation in projects, events, conferences, and festivals held in the Republic and organizing their involvement.


The activities of department include:

1. Supporting the implementation of laws and presidential decrees and orders of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

2. Ensuring public life at Nakhchivan State University, organizing cultural-mass events, supporting the proper assessment of students' leisure time, and celebrating national and state holidays.

3. Organizing events and projects to promote the principles of statehood and patriotism among students.

4. Organizing events and projects in cooperation with state bodies and non-governmental organizations.

5. Maintaining constant communication with students, understanding their social situations and problems, and implementing necessary measures.

6. Representing Nakhchivan State University in local and international cultural-mass events and projects.

The structure of the department:

- The chair of the department

- Chief Inspector

- Inspector

Student Affairs and Event Organization Department Staff:

- The chair of the department: Huseyn Imanov - Instructor at the Department of Melioration and Environmental Engineering, Chairman of the Student Trade Union Committee

- Chief Inspector:

- Inspector:

Phone: (+99436) 544-08-61
