Faculty Of Medicine

About the faculty

With the support of the National Leader Heydar Aliyev, the foundation of higher medical education at Nakhchivan State University was laid in 1999. This began with the admission of 25 students to the "Pediatrics" specialty under the Faculty of Natural Science.

To enhance the training of medical specialists, a teaching-clinical building was put into operation in 2000. This facility included a four-story, 35-bed hospital used by students studying "Pediatrics" and the teaching staff.

By the decision of the University’s Scientific Council on June 3, 2003, the Pediatrics specialty was separated from the Faculty of Natural Science-Medicine and began to operate as an independent Faculty of Medicine.

Starting from the 2007-2008 academic year, the Faculty began admitting students to the "Medical Prevention" specialty. Due to reforms in the healthcare system that led to the discontinuation of the "Pediatrics" specialty in our republic from the 2011-2012 academic year, training was initiated for the "Treatment Work" specialty. Additionally, from the 2012-2013 academic year, the Faculty began offering specialties in "Dentistry" and "Pharmacy."

After the establishment of the Faculty of Medicine, special attention was paid to enhancing its scientific potential. During this period, 2 faculty members received the title of Doctor of Sciences, and 9 faculty members achieved the scientific titles of Professor and Associate Professor after defending their dissertations for the Doctor of Philosophy degree. Currently, the Faculty comprises 1 Doctor of Sciences and 15 individuals holding the titles of Doctor of Philosophy or Associate Professor.

To further strengthen the material and technical base of the Faculty and improve the quality of education, a three-story clinical hospital was put into use at the university in May 2015. The hospital specializes in the examination and treatment of various diseases and provides favorable conditions for students to conduct practical classes within the university premises.

On the 20th anniversary of the Faculty's establishment, on June 14, 2019, a new faculty building, equipped with modern standards and the latest technologies, was inaugurated. This new educational building is outfitted with state-of-the-art equipment (including various simulators, a 3D Vivid anatomy set, synthetic cadavers, dental phantom sets, etc.), as well as cabinets and laboratories. It features modern architectural design, spacious foyers, and well-lit classrooms.

As a result of the university's high-level international relations, over 900 students are currently enrolled at the Faculty, including more than 500 international students.

Students utilize various hospitals in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic as base hospitals for their specialty training. Conditions have been established to allow the majority of clinical classes to be conducted directly on patients in these hospitals. Additionally, the Republican Hospital is equipped with devices that enable live observation of surgeries in the auditoriums.

Since 2012, the Faculty of Medicine has been offering residency training for doctors. To date, approximately 50 resident doctors have graduated from this program. Currently, 52 resident doctors are majoring 24 specialties at the residency level, utilizing several hospitals in the autonomous republic as their teaching-clinical base.

To date, more than 600 doctors have graduated from the Faculty of Medicine at Nakhchivan State University and have joined the healthcare systems of Azerbaijan and the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic.

Graduates of the Faculty of Medicine are successfully working both domestically and internationally. Many alumni are currently residing in countries such as Germany, Spain, the Netherlands, the USA, Nigeria, Turkiye, Iran, Cyprus, and Georgia, where they are working or continuing their studies.

More than 150 doctors who graduated from the Faculty of Medicine are currently working in healthcare institutions within the autonomous republic. Among them, 12 serve as chief doctors in various hospitals, and 4 hold the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Medicine.

The Faculty of Medicine has maintained close relations with several universities in the neighboring Republic of Turkiye for many years. This collaboration includes various cooperative initiatives, teacher and student mobility programs, and joint activities in both teaching and research. Each year, senior medical students spend a significant portion of their summer practical experience in clinics at universities in cities such as Trabzon, Erzincan, Erzurum, Kayseri, and Kars.

To train high-level medical specialists, the faculty frequently invites qualified medical professionals from Azerbaijan Medical University, leading universities in Russia, and the Republic of Turkey. These experts deliver lectures and conduct practical classes for students throughout the year.

Currently, the Faculty of Medicine provides training in six specialties: Medicine, Public Health, Treatment Work, Medical Prevention, Pharmacy, and Dentistry. Beginning in the 2021/22 academic year, the faculty will also offer training in the specialty of Military Medicine.

Dean: Mustafayeva Ilhama Rafiq gizi

Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs: Suleymanova Shafiga Tahir gizi

Academic Advisors (Tutors):

Tarlan Maharramova

Nurlan Safarov

Fargana Kazimova

Gulnar Aliyeva

Elsavar Mikayılov