Inclusive Education Center

The Inclusive Education Center ensures that all students receive education tailored to their social, cultural, and individual characteristics, as well as their specific needs. The center's educational programs, methods, and materials are designed considering the unique features, needs, and interests of each student. One of the center's primary goals is to ensure access to high-quality education for all students and to reduce possible discrimination. The center also focuses on developing a comprehensive educational support system and creating conditions for education and rehabilitation for students with special educational needs. Specialists at the center develop individualized education and rehabilitation programs for students, provide comprehensive support, and gradually integrate them into the university's educational process.

The center's responsibilities also include organizing and monitoring educational and rehabilitation activities for students with special educational needs, in consultation with faculty deans and department heads. The center's key objectives are:

·           Ensuring the right to obtain high-quality higher education and the freedom to choose the higher education institution and form of education.

·          Creating special education conditions, rehabilitation environments, and comprehensive support systems.

·          Protecting and enhancing moral, physical, mental, and social health.

·          Promoting the improvement of the quality of the educational process and effective vocational training.

·          Organizing and conducting trainings, seminars, courses, and webinars related to the education of students with special needs.

·          Collecting and summarizing information about specialists providing psychological-pedagogical and correctional-developmental services to children with special educational needs in regional educational institutions.

·          Increasing public awareness about students with special educational needs, preventing discrimination, and fostering a positive attitude towards these students and their families through information and awareness campaigns.

·          Facilitating cooperation with local government bodies, state, and non-governmental organizations involved in the medical-social rehabilitation, education, and employment of individuals with disabilities.

The center provides an opportunity to familiarize oneself with the normative-legal and material-technical infrastructure for the education, upbringing, psychological, and pedagogical support of students with special educational needs. Additionally, the center will offer educational services to students with limited health capabilities in the region.