Faculty Of Architecture And Engineering

Faculty of Architecture-Engineering
Faculty of Architecture and Engineering
The Faculty of Architecture and Engineering has been training highly qualified engineers since 1988. There are 5 departments in the faculty. The faculty has a student youth organization, a student scientific society, a sports council and associations for various specialties. "Museum of Architecture" and technical creativity booths are operating under the faculty. The dean of the faculty was Arif Abbasov in 2001-2007, and Mubariz Nuriyev in 2007-2013. Since 2013, the dean of the faculty is Javanshir Zeynalov. In 2001-2003, Hasan Babayev, in 2003-2020, Mammad Rajabov, and in 2020-2022, Rustam Mammadov was the deputy dean. Tarkhan Orujov is the deputy dean from 2022.

Staff training in the following specialties is carried out at the faculty:

Information technologies
Energy engineering
Electric power engineering
Land vehicle engineering
Transportation engineering
Reclamation engineering
Environmental engineering
Computer engineering
Automation of processes
Electrical and electronics engineering
Computer Engineering (in English)
The faculty cooperates with the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport, NMR State Energy Service, "Nakhchivan Railways" LLC, NMR State Reclamation and Water Management Committee, NMR State Urban Planning and Architecture Committee, NMR Architects Union. Our graduates provide great services in the development of various fields of industry. More than 600 local and more than 60 foreign students who can solve various scientific and technological problems on the basis of curricula according to the credit system determined by the balloon process are studying at the faculty in auditoriums and laboratories equipped with various equipment. Students are taught by highly qualified personnel.

Faculty dean: Javanshir Ibrahim oglu Zeynalov

Deputy dean for educational affairs: Tarkhan Zakir oglu Orujov

Academic advisor (tutor): Azer Ehtibar oglu Jabbarli

Academic adviser (tutor): Akhundova Gulshade Ali gizi

The following departments operate under the faculty:


Electronics and Information Technologies


The following departments operate under the faculty:

Problems of Information Society and Technologies

Application of new generation technologies to science is one of the important factors. That is why the educational field that we will use in the future should be built on the basis of these technologies. Since our modern era is the age of information, modern technologies are used in almost all areas of science and technology. It is from this point of view that the role of ICT in education is undeniable. The advantage of universities is that their students and professors participate in solving the most advanced production issues, the inventor works in an environment where it can be well understood, and investors work with each inventor not individually, but within a strong structure with high scientific and technological potential. To the department Ph.Doctor Gasimov Huseyn Alakbar oglu is in charge.


1.     Zeynalov Javanshir Ibrahim oglu - Doctor of Mathematical Sciences, Professor

2.     Nadirova Tofiga Telman gizi – Senior Lecturer

3.     Gasimov Huseyn Elekber oglu – Ph Doctor in Technology Senior Lecturer

4.     Suleymanov Ilham Huseyn oglu - Senior Lecturer

5.     Mahmudova Sabina Vakil gizi - Senior Lecturer

6.     Zeynalova Saadat Jabrayil gizi - Senior Lecturer

7.     Rustamova Samina Tofig gizi - Lecturer

8.     Gasimova Sariyya Kamal gizi - Lecturer

9.     Hasanli Hasan Asgar oglu – Ph Doctor in Physics, Lecturer

10.   Sadigzada Jafar Zafar oglu - Lecturer

11.  Asgarli Huseyn Jafar oglu – Lecturer

12. Ismayilov Asiman Rizvan oglu - Lecturer

13. Imanova Shafiga Jafar gizi - Lecturer

14. Zeynalzada Gultaj Zeynalabidin gizi – Lecturer

Transport Engineering and Technical Subjects

On December 20, 1990, it started working as the "Electrical Engineering and Materials Science" department. Since May 4, 2001, it has been operating as the "Traffic Management" department, since June 1, 2018, as the "Transport and Information Technologies" department, and since April 1, 2021, as the "Transport Engineering and Technical Sciences" department.

Aliyev Asef Asif oglu – Ph.Doctor of in Mathematics, Associate Professor

Aliyev Shahin Yusif oglu – Senior Lecturer

Valiyev Sayyad Mammad oglu - Senior Lecturer

Haziyev Yadulla Hasan oglu - Senior Lecturer

Orujov Tarkhan Zakir oglu – Lecturer

Najafov Elshan Targulu oglu – Lecturer

Aliyeva Leyla Mirsamad gizi - Laboratory technician

Scientific activity of the department:

Features of Cargo Transportation Technology

Technical improvement of vehicle transport and loading and unloading equipment, application of progressive technology and improvement of cargo transportation organization. Appropriate division of any process into separate sections and creation of effective communication between these sections. Finding the cost-effective cost of labor and resources related to the organization and management of the transportation process. Appropriate division of any process into separate sections and creation of effective communication between these sections. Shortening the time spent on transportation. Lower losses due to cargo damage and spoilage. Establishment of economic relations between road transport and the areas it serves according to the centralized planning system. To carry out any activity program. Creation and improvement of the transport forwarding services market.


 Department of Architecture

The "Architecture" department was established in 2002 within the Faculty of Arts, since 2003 it has been included in the Faculty of Engineering Pedagogy, since 2007 in the Faculty of Architecture and Engineering.


By the order of the Rector of Nakhchivan State University, Ph.Doctor in Architecture, associate professor Gulnara Gazanfar gizi Ganbarova was appointed the head of the "Architecture" department from March 12, 2021 and is currently leading the department.

Teaching staff of the department:

Ganbarova Gulnara Gazanfar gizi

Head of the department,

Ph. Doctor in Architecture,

Associate Professor (0.5 staff)

Rajabov Mammad Yagub oglu

Senior lecturer (full staff)

Guluzada Masuma Akif gizi

lecturer (full staff)

Ahmadov Heydar Ali oglu

lecturer (0,5 staff)

Sadigov Anar Vugar oglu

lecturer (0,5 staff)

Bayramov Mahammad Asaf oglu

lecturer (0,5 staff)

Gasimzada Aida Uzeyir gizi

Laboratory assistant


Department of Land Reclamation and Environmental Engineering

On February 15, 1986, the "General Technical Subjects and Labor" department was established under the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Nakhchivan State University. The teaching process of the specialty of the same name was carried out in the department. Since 2013, the name of the department has been changed to "Reclamation and Water Management Construction Engineering" department.

In 2020, the name of the department was changed to "Reclamation and Geodetic Engineering" department, and in 2022 it was named "Land Reclamation and Ecological Engineering" department.

1. It deals with the problems of construction and operation of melioration and water management systems.

2. It deals with environmental problems.

3. It is engaged in the preparation of articles and scientific books in these areas.


By the order of the Rector of Nakhchivan State University, associate professor Najafov Jabbar Sardar oglu was appointed as the head of the "Land Reclamation and Ecological Engineering" department. Currently, he heads the department.

Teaching staff of the department:

1. Najafov Jabbar Sardar oglu – Ph.Doctor in Agrarian Sciences, Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineer Specializing in Agricultural Machinery

2. Aliyev Gadir Ali oglu - PhD in Architecture, Associate Professor

3. Ibrahimova Leyla Panah gizi – Senior Lecturer

4. Akhundov Akim Yasin oglu – Lecturer

5. Asadov Heydar Bayram oglu - Lecturer

6. Imanov Huseyn Kamil oglu - Lecturer

7. Nasirov Sattar Shamseddin oglu - 0.5 staff Lecturer

8. Sarikash Shanay Imamali gizi - 0.5 staff Lecturer

9. Guliyeva Rena Ahad gizi - Senior laboratory technician


Department of Electroenergetics Engineering

Information about the scientific activity of the employees of the department of Electroenergetics Engineering

In 2021-2025, five members of the staff of the department joined the 5-year scientific research work on the scientific problem of using innovative technologies in the perspective development of the energy industry. The department is headed by Aliyev Maftun Eynulla oglu.

Employees of the department:

1. Hajiyeva Valida Ibrahim gizi

2. Sevinj Novruzova (Rzayeva) Yagub gizi

3. Gulshan Nureddin gizi Mammadova

4. Gunay Nadir gizi Bagyrova

5. Babayev Shirzad Zulfugar oglu

6. Ganbarov Sadig Jeyhun oglu