Tutor service

5.1 The service of academic advisors (tutors) is organized in higher education institutions in order to help students studying with the credit system.

5.2 The number of tutors is determined by the number of students. At this time, not less than 100 students are determined for each tutor in state higher education institutions. Private higher education institutions define this norm themselves.

5.3 Tutors are selected from people who have at least a master's degree and certain experience and competence in this field.

5.4 The tutor is appointed to this position by order of the rector.

5.5 Tutors:

- protects students' rights and academic interests;

- provide students with all the necessary information and documents related to the organization of the educational process;

- give advice to students for the preparation of individual and work plans;

- organize the acceptance of individual study plans of students and participate in the preparation of annual work study plans for specialties (specializations);

- help students make changes in their individual study plans;

- participate in the organization of the summer semester.

At Nakhchivan State University, 16 tutors are recruited for 11 faculties.