
About the faculty

The Faculty of Arts was established on December 11, 1998 by the decision of the scientific council of the university. The faculty, which initially started with 3 chairs, now unites 7 chairs under its authority. 75 teachers and 8 teaching assistants work in these chairs. Among our employees, 1 person is a doctor of arts studies, 6 people are a doctor of philosophy in art studies, 4 people are a doctor of philosophy in pedagogy, 2 people are professors, 11 people are associate professors, 1 is a People's Artist of the Republic of Azerbaijan, 3 are People's Artists of the Republic of Azerbaijan, 2 are Honored Artists of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, 4 people are Honored Culture Workers of the Republic of Azerbaijan, 7 people are Honored Artists of the Republic of Azerbaijan, 3 people are Honored Teachers of the Republic of Azerbaijan, 4 people are Honored Teachers of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, 4 people are Honored Arts Workers of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic.

Faculty dean: Honored artist of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, associate professor Ismayilov Javid Veli oglu

Deputy dean for educational affairs: Head teacher, Hajiyev Mobil Gulmammad oglu

Academic adviser (tutor): Jafarli Togrul Iman oglu

Academic advisor (tutor): Akbarova Saadat Yashar gizi

Computer operator: Taghiyeva Gulnar Elshan gizi

Bachelor's training in the following specialties is carried out at the faculty:


Fine arts teaching

Music teaching

Instrumental performance (folk instruments)

Instrumental performance (piano)

Instrumental performance (String instruments)

Instrumental performance (wind instruments)

Solo singing

Vocal art (by fields – National vocal)

Vocal art (by fields – Singer)



Acting art


Instrumental performance (Folk instruments) (part-time)

Musicology (part-time)

Design (interior)

Teaching, training and educational work at the faculty is carried out based on the requirements set by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the University management.

At the faculty, teachers guide students on topics dedicated to the current problems of the time through the TEC line, and guide them in the right scientific direction. At the initiative of the Student Youth Organization, intellectual games are periodically held at the faculty, which helps to increase the outlook of our students.

Every year on September 18, the National Music Day, jubilees of Azerbaijani composers are celebrated, and events related to all significant days are prepared. Our teachers and students are closely involved in almost all art-oriented events of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, either as participants or as spectators.

The chairs under the faculty traditionally hold report concerts every year. The purpose of these concerts is to reveal the abilities of students, to increase attention to their formation as well-qualified personnel and the development of stage behavior.

Chamber orchestra consisting of students and teachers working at the faculty, ensemble of folk instruments, as well as ensembles of various composition, "Mahur" dance group, choir, Funny and Jokes club, Student Theater Studio provide ample opportunity to reveal the skills and talents of students. Our music groups often perform concert programs in various cities of the Republic of Turkey.

The schedule of the faculty often includes solo concerts of talented young people, class concerts of teachers, exhibitions of students' handicrafts, and graduate exhibitions.

In order to further improve the knowledge of students, professors-teachers from higher music educational institutions operating in the capital are invited for master classes.

Our university's relations with foreign universities allow the mobility of teachers and students, and teachers and students of the Faculty of Arts benefit from this cooperation. Our students continue their studies at foreign universities for 1 or 2 semesters, expand their knowledge and gain important achievements for their future careers.

Piano chair


Information about the chair

Music is a mysterious, magical world, like a paradise.  Genius composers and performers are the ones who make this paradise alive for people.  Such talented piano players are trained by the piano chair of the Faculty of Arts of Nakhchivan State University.

Most of the teachers of the piano chair are artists who have special services in the development of the musical culture of Nakhchivan. They deal with students very seriously and honestly. It is for this reason that students of the chair work in children's music schools, colleges and music institutions of the Autonomous Republic. In the chair, education and training activities are carried out at a high level.  The report concert held at the end of each academic year informs about the successful results of teachers and students.

The chair produces not only soloists, but also concertmasters. In addition, teachers' class concerts and students' solo concerts are held. As in all areas of our flourishing Autonomous Republic, the development in the field of music education is obvious. The activity of the piano chair in this work is undeniable. The head of the piano chair is "Honored Worker of Culture" of the Republic of Azerbaijan, "Honored Worker of Art" of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, professor Saida Muslum gizi Mammadova.

 Staff of the chair

1.Səidə Müslüm qızı Məmmədova-

"Honored Cultural Worker" of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Nakhchivan Mukhtar 

"Honored Artist of the Republic", professor.

2.Vidadi Əkbər oğlu Heydərovhonored cultural worker of the Republic of Azerbaijan, docent

3.Nərminə Fikrət qızı Qədimova "Honored teacher", head teacher of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic

4.Rəna Ələkbər Qızı Cəfərova"Honored Culture Worker" of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, head teacher

5.Solmaz Məmməd qızı Axundova –  "Honored teacher" of the Republic of Azerbaijan, associate professor

6.Zemfira Nurəddin qızı Babayeva –  "Honored teacher", head teacher of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic

7.Elnarə Nəriman qızı Məmmədova - head teacher

8.Nazilə Adəm qızı  Qardaşbəyova - "Honored Culture Worker" of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, head teacher

9.Fəridə Namiq qızı Ağayevahead teacher

10.Aynur Səfər qızı Məmmədovateacher

11.Təranə Adil qızı Hüseynova - teacher

12.Ülvi Rüfət oğlu Əhmədov   teacher

13. Rəhimov Səxavət Şərif oğlu -teacher

14.Abutər David qızı Allahverdiyevateacher

15.Leylaxanım Mirsübhi qızı Məmmədova teacher

16.Nərmin Şəmsəddin qızı Məmmədli teacher

17.Mədətova Rövşanə Rövşən qızı- teacher

18.Qənbərova Aytac İbrahim qızıchief laboratory assistant

Chair of music education

 Information about the chair

"Music training" chair is one of the main leading chairs of higher education in the field of music teaching specialty at the bachelor's level. In preparation of future specialists, the chair carries out teaching in various subjects. The subjects taught are taught by highly qualified specialists. Various technical means and methods of modern training are used to improve the quality of teaching of subjects, to increase the efficiency of the teaching process. The main basis of the chair is to train music teachers in secondary schools. According to the extract from the minutes of the meeting No. 08 of the Faculty of Arts, dated April 11, 2023, from April 11, 2023, Sevinj Musayeva Hafiz gizi should be appointed as the full-time head of the chair of "Music Education". Since he was appointed as the head of the chair, he was released from the position of full-time head teacher by canceling the employment contract in the "Music Education" chair, and 0.5 full-time head teacher should be transferred to the position of head teacher with the employment contract while maintaining the previous election period.

Staff of the chair

1.     Musayeva Sevinc Hafiz qızı head of the chair, head teacher

2.     Babayev Zeynalabdın Abdulla oğluhonored artist of the Republic of Azerbaijan, head teacher

3.     Cəfərova Sevda Zöhrab qızı  - Doctor of Philosophy in Arts, head teacher

4.     Xəlilova Sevda Tofiq qızıDoctor of Philosophy in Pedagogy, head teacher

5. İsgəndərova İlhamə Kamil qızı - 0.5 full-time head teacher

6.     Əliyev Cəlaləddin Rəşid oğlu–  head teacher

7.     Əliyeva Hicran Etibar qızı0.5 full-time head teacher

8.     İsmayılova Günay Sadıq qızı head teacher

9.     Zamanova Afaq Xəlil qızı 0.5 full-time head teacher

10.  Əliyeva Fəxriyyə Eldar qızı - 0.5 full-time head teacher

11. Səfərova Samirə Fəxrəddin qızı – 0.5 full-time teacher

12. Nadirova Mehriban Aydın qızı   - 0.5 full-time head teacher

13. Talıblı Günel Rafiq qızı- 0.5 full-time concertmaster

14. Əsgərov Nicat Toğrul oğlu- 0.5 full-time concertmaster

15Kazımova  Səkinə Oktay qızı- laboratory assistant.

Chair of music history and theory

Information about the chair

The chair of History and Theory of Music is one of the leading specialized chairs of Musicology and Composition at the undergraduate level of higher education, as well as music criticism and ethnomusicology at the graduate level. In the training of future specialists, the chair carries out training in 32 different subjects. The subjects taught are taught by highly qualified professionals. Various technical means and methods of modern training are used to improve the quality of teaching of subjects, to increase the efficiency of the teaching process. The chair is headed by Docent Maharramova Inara Eldargizi, Doctor of Art Studies.

Məhərrəmova İnara Eldar qızı


head of the chair, associate professor


Məmmədova Günay Abbas qızı

Ph.D. in art, associate professor

Əhmədov Kamal Rüstəm oğlu

associate professor

Xəlilov Yaşar Sudef Oğlu

head teacher

Hüseynova Sevda Nəsib qızı

head teacher

Hüseynova Rüxsarə Hüseyn qızı

head teacher

Qasımova Aynur Rafiq qızı

head teacher

Məmmədova Aynur Samiddin qızı

head teacher

Məmmədova Rumiyə Yaqub qızı

head teacher

Babayeva Məhəbbət Nizami qızı

teacher (0.5 staff)

Həsənova Mələk Nazim qızı

laboratory assistant


The chair of “Fine Art”

 Information about the chair

 "Fine art" department is one of the main leading specialty departments in "Fine art teaching", "Painting", "Design" directions at the undergraduate level of higher education.

In the preparation of future specialists, the department carries out training in various subjects. The taught subjects are taught by highly qualified specialists. Various technical means and methods of modern training are used to improve the quality of teaching of subjects, to increase the efficiency of the teaching process.

Exhibitions of our students on various topics are organized every year. Exhibitions are organized together with teachers and students on important days and anniversaries, and at the same time they participate in national and international level exhibitions, competitions and festivals. The participation of both students and teachers is ensured in the exhibitions and competitions organized by the Nakhchivan Union of Artists, the Youth Fund, and the Family, Women and Children's Problems Committee. Master classes are organized. In addition, artist students are regularly taken to studios.

 Management of the chair

From October 21, 2022, Hajiyeva Siddiga Zakir gizi  , who was appointed as the head of the chair, heads the department.

1.     Hacıyeva Siddiqə Zakir qızı Presidential awardee, head of the department

2.     Əliyev Hüseynqulu Əli oğlu-People's artist, professor

3.     Sadıxova Səyyarə Namiq qızı Doctor of Philosophy in Art Studies, senior lecturer

4.     İsmayılov Cavid Vəli oğluHonored artist of Nakhchivan MR, associate-professor

5.     Cəfərov Elman Məhərrəm oğluNakhchivan MR Honored artist, teacher

6.     Allahverdiyev Əlövsət Ərrəhman oğlu -  Teacher

7.     Məmmədova Əzizə Akif qızı Teacher

8.     Zeynalov Elxan İsa oğluTeacher

9. Quliyeva Türkan Məhəmmədəli qızı Cabin manager

10. Novruzov Arzu Zakir oğluLaboratory technician

                          The chair of theater and cultural studies

                             In 2011, the chair of Theater and Cultural Studies was established at NSU. Currently, there are 5 members of teaching staff in that department. One person is an honored culture worker of the Republic of Azerbaijan, one is a People's Artist of the Republic of Azerbaijan, one is an Honored Artist of the Republic of Azerbaijan, one is an Honored Artist of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, one is an associate professor, one is a doctor of philosophy, two are senior lecturers, two are teachers, four are 0.5 full-time teachers.

 Management of the chair

Management of the department - by the order of the rector of NSU, Gulkhara Manaf gizi Ahmadova, Ph.D. in Philology, associate professor, was appointed the head of the Department of Theater and Cultural Studies on July 6, 2011, and currently heads the chair.

 Part of the department

1. Head of the department: Honored cultural worker of the Republic of Azerbaijan, doctor of philosophy in philology, associate professor  - Gülxarə Mənaf qızı Əhmədova

2. Elza Sultanəli qızı Fərzəliyevasenior lecturer

3. Tofiq Həbib oğlu Seyidov - Honored Artist of the Republic of Azerbaijan, senior lecturer 0.5 staff

5. Kamran Məmmədqulu oğlu Quliyev – People's artist, teacher    

6. Azər Babalı oğlu Cəfərli- Honored artist of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, teacher 0.5 staff

7. Turanə Əliyənnağı qızı Hüseynli -laboratory technician

The chair of orchestral instruments and conducting


 History of the chair

 The "Orchestral instruments" department of the Faculty of Arts of Nakhchivan State University was established in 2008. In 2011, the name of the department was changed to "Orchestral Instruments and Conducting" department. Currently, there are 13 professors and teachers working in that department. Among them, 1 person is the People's Artist of the Republic of Azerbaijan, 3 people are the Honored Artists of the Republic of Azerbaijan, 1 person is the Honored Worker of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan, 2 people are the Honored Artists of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, 1 person is a professor, 4 people are associate professors, 3 people are Doctors of Philosophy, 1 person is a doctoral student, 5  people are senior lecturers, 4 people are teachers.

 By the order of the rector of Nakhchivan State University, associate professor Mubariz Samad oglu Asgarov was appointed the head of the "Orchestral Instruments and Conducting" department from October 2022 and is currently leading the department.

Part of the department 
     1.     Əsgərov Mübariz Səməd oğluHonored artist of the Republic of Azerbaijan, associate-professor

2.     Axundov Çingiz Məmməd oğlu People's artist of the Republic of Azerbaijan, professor

3.     Əsgərov Amil Əkbər oğlu - Honored artist of the Republic of Azerbaijan, associate-professor

4.     Cəfərova Mehriban Vaqif qızı - Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogy

5.      Hüseynova Validə Vəli qızıHonored artist of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, associate-professor

6.     Fərzəliyeva Gülyanaq Əhəd qızı  - Honored artist of the Republic of Azerbaijan, senior lecturer

7.     Cəfərova Sevinc Zöhrab qızı  - PhD in art studies, senior lecturer

8.    Rzayeva (Əliyeva)Elvira Nuca qızı  - senior lecturer

9.     Şirinova Şəbnəm Mirzəmməd qızı senior lecturer

10. Əsədov Fazil Mustafa oğlu  - Teacher

11. Novruzova Aidə İbrahim qızı  - concertmaster

12. Nəcəfov Tural Nüsrət oğlu  - Teacher, Honored Artist of the Republic of Azerbaijan

13. İbrahimov Rüstəm Cəbrayıl oğluteacher

14. Quliyeva Rəfayə Qara qızıLaboratory technician

                                   The chair of folk  musical instruments

 History of the chair

The specialty "Folk Musical Instruments" has been operating under the Department of Performing Arts of the Faculty of Arts of Nakhchivan State University since the first day of its establishment (1996). Since 2008, the specialty "Folk Musical Instruments" has been separated from the Department of Performance and has operated as an independent department under the name "Folk Musical Instruments". Currently, there are 15 professors and teaching staff working in that department. Among them, 1 person is an honored cultural worker of the Republic of Az. Doctor of philosophy, senior lecturer, 1 person is an honored artist of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, senior lecturer, 4 people are senior lecturers, 3 people are teachers, and 1 person is a concertmaster. By the order of the rector of Nakhchivan State University, Honored Cultural Worker of the Republic of Azerbaijan Imamgulu Isgender oglu Ahmadov, on October 2022, was appointed the head of the "Folk Musical Instruments" department and currently heads the department.

Management of the chair

By the order of the Rector of Nakhchivan State University, Honored Cultural Worker of the Republic of Azerbaijan Imamgulu Isgender oglu Ahmadov was appointed the head of the "Folk Musical Instruments" department from October 2022 and is currently leading the department.

Part of the department

1.      Əhmədov İmamqulu İsgəndər oğluHonored Cultural Worker of the Republic of Azerbaijan, head of the department

2.      Quliyeva Aynurə Arif qızı- Doctor of Philosophy in Art Studies, associate professor

3.      Nəcəfova Zəminə Məhərrəm qızı- Honored teacher of Nakhchivan MR, Doctor of Philosophy in Art Studies,associate professor

4.      Rzayeva Bənövşə İsmayıl qızı- PhD in art studies, associate professor

5.      Mürsəlov İsmayıl Hüseyn oğlu- PhD in Pedagogy, associate professor

6.      Məmmədov Vahid Məmmədəli oğlu- Doctor of Philosophy in Art Studies, associate professor

7.      Mərdanova Xalidə Abbasəli qızı- senior lecturer

8.      Seyidov  Aqib İbrahim oğlu- Nakhchivan MR Honored artist, senior lecturer

9.      Əhmədov Rüfət Rüstəm oğlu-senior lecturer

10.  Abdullayev Sərxan Qəhrəman oğlu-senior lecturer

11.  Paşayev Emin Vidadi oğlu-teacher

12.  Babayeva Sevinc Məmmədəli qızı-teacher

13.  Məmmədli Əkrəm Məmməd oğlu-teacher

14.  Quliyev Elnur Kamran oğlu- teacher

15.  Rəhimov Səxavət Şərif oğlu – concert master

16.  İsmayılova Ceyran Kamran q.-laboratory assistant