SAT Center

To support international relations, English-medium instruction, and to enhance the foreign language skills of the university’s academic staff, as well as to facilitate access to foreign examinations and education at prestigious universities in the United States and Europe, Nakhchivan State University hosts SAT and IELTS registration and examination centers under the auspices of the British Council Azerbaijan and the American College Board.
 The SAT Center was established on June 14, 2023. These centers contribute significantly not only to the university but also to the overall development of the region. In 2022, the NDU IELTS registration and examination center served 55 students and 22 teachers, while in 2024, 8 teachers participated in the exams. The SAT registration and examination center, established in 2023, had 11 students take the October exam, 24 students take the December exam, and 35 students take the exam in March 2024. The examinees are students from various schools located in Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic and Baku.