Korean Center

The Korean Center at Nakhchivan State University was inaugurated on November 11, 2011. The opening ceremony was attended by academician Isa Habibbeyli, the Ambassador of the Republic of South Korea to Azerbaijan, Lee Ji Han, the President of Kimcheon University in South Korea, Ms. Seung Aji Kang, the Director of the International Relations Department, Hee Chun Lee, and assistant David K.H. Lee. Since the 2012-2013 academic year, Nakhchivan State University has had a Korean Language Teaching Center. This center is open not only to students of Nakhchivan State University but also to individuals from any region of Nakhchivan who wish to learn Korean. Upon completion of the course, students are awarded a certificate from Nakhchivan State University. Korean language courses are offered at beginner and intermediate levels. The center also provides preparatory courses for the TOPIK (Test of Proficiency in Korean). The Korean language courses are structured over one year, divided into two semesters, and include classes on Korean culture. In the Korean culture classes, students can gain experience in activities such as watching Korean films, cooking Korean dishes, playing traditional games, performing traditional dances, and playing traditional musical instruments.