University development path


Characterized as one of the leading higher education institutions in the Republic of Azerbaijan, Nakhchivan State University serves as a prominent center for science, education, public opinion, and culture within the autonomous republic. The university attracts significant attention due to its high standing within the national higher education system, its extensive development, and its efforts in training highly qualified personnel.

The institution began its journey as the Nakhchivan branch of Azerbaijan State Pedagogical Institute in 1967. In its inaugural academic year, it enrolled 102 students across three specialties and employed three full-time faculty members. The growing demand for qualified specialists in the region necessitated the transition from a branch to an independent higher education entity. Consequently, the Nakhchivan State Pedagogical Institute was established on the foundation of the Nakhchivan branch in 1972. During its early years, the need for educators in various socio-economic and cultural fields led to an expansion of the institution’s programs and activities. This evolution culminated in the upgrade of the Pedagogical Institute to Nakhchivan State University by Decision No. 584 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan SSR on December 29, 1990. The university has been led by several distinguished scholars:

- Ali Aliyev (1967-1970): Candidate of Historical Sciences and Associate Professor

- Safarali Babayev (1970-1972): Candidate of Geographical Sciences and Associate Professor

- Israfil Mammadov (1972-1977): Doctor of Technical Sciences and Professor

- Isak Mammadov (1978–1984): Doctor of Historical Sciences and Professor

- Iskander Jafarov (1985-1989): Corresponding Member of ANAS

- Gasim Huseynov (1989-1996): Doctor of Chemical Sciences and Professor

- Isa Habibbayli (1996-2013): Full Member of ANAS

- Saleh Maharramov (2013-2019): Doctor of Biological Sciences and Professor

Currently, Elbrus Isayev, PhD in History and Associate Professor, serves as the rector of Nakhchivan State University.

On June 12, 2002, President Heydar Aliyev of the Republic of Azerbaijan granted Nakhchivan State University high self-government status and autonomy. Heydar Aliyev, the national leader of the Azerbaijani people, visited the university on four occasions: in 1974, twice in 1992, and again in 1999. President Ilham Aliyev attended the inauguration of the Electronic Library and Conservatory at the university.

The university comprises 43 departments and currently employs 528 faculty members. This distinguished academic body includes 1 academician, 5 corresponding members of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, 31 doctors of science, 24 professors, and 181 doctors of philosophy, 162 of whom hold the title of associate professor. Additionally, 139 faculty members serve as senior lecturers and teachers. The academic staff is notable for including a People's Artist, several honored scientists, 10 honored teachers of the Republic of Azerbaijan, 3 honored artists of the Republic of Azerbaijan, 4 honored cultural workers of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and 32 honored teachers of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic. Moreover, the academic staff includes 5 honored artists, 2 honored physical educators, 2 honored doctors, 5 honored cultural workers, and other individuals recognized with honorary titles such as honored artist and honored figure in the arts.

Nakhchivan State University is organized into ten faculties: History and Philology; International Relations and Law; Economics and Management; Foreign Languages; Physics and Mathematics; Architecture and Engineering; Natural Sciences and Agriculture; Medicine; Pedagogy; and Art. The university also includes a Deanship for International Students and a Graduate and Doctoral Center. It offers 78 undergraduate programs, 75 master’s specializations, 52 doctoral specialties, and 38 residency programs.

Currently, the university enrolls approximately 10,000 students, including nearly 1,726 international students from seven countries. A significant development occurred on June 8, 2021, when a decree by the Chairman of the Supreme Assembly of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic integrated the Nakhchivan Music College into Nakhchivan State University. The Music College now enrolls 516 students across 13 majors and employs 178 teachers.

The university's 108-hectare campus includes 13 educational buildings, an Electronic Library, a Conservatory, a Social Service Center, a University Hospital, an Olympic Sports Center, two stadiums, and a modern student residence. Notable additions to the campus include a 3-story Social Service Center and a modern university guest house, being the first of its kind in Azerbaijan's higher education system.

Additionally, the University Hospital has expanded its services since May of the previous year to include new departments: surgery, laboratory, stomatology, gynecology, and ophthalmology. The university utilizes a high-quality campus wireless network that supports three internet centers, a Media Center, University Television (NDU TV), ‘Nuhchikhan Radio,’ a publishing house, the journal ‘Scientific Works’, the newspaper ‘Yeni Fikir’, and several museums.

The university's journal, ‘Scientific Works’, is registered with the Higher Attestation Commission and has received an international ISSN number. Nakhchivan State University, in partnership with South Korea's KOICA organization, has implemented the "Creation of an Electronic Education Network and Digital Multimedia Infrastructure" project. The launch of the Electronic University has been recognized as one of the largest and most significant initiatives in Azerbaijan's higher education sector, notable for its budget and project scope. The Electronic University integrates various models of educational management, including electronic education, online document processing, and academic administration. It not only facilitates teaching through digital platforms but also incorporates electronic examinations. Notably, Nakhchivan State University has introduced a Distance Education Center, marking a first among higher education institutions in the country.

Nakhchivan State University’s library, which houses approximately 65,000 books, has cataloged 50,000 books across 5,300 titles using the “PROLIB” automated Library Information Management System. Additionally, it has prepared and made available catalogs for 6,540 titles and 34,804 books.

To support the comprehensive development of the new generation, the university’s Student Trade Union Committee, Student Youth Organization, Student Scientific Society, and various student groups—including theater and opera studios, a choir, vocal and dance ensembles, and a sports club—are actively involved. In 2021, Nakhchivan State University established a Student Symphony Orchestra. These organizations provide extensive opportunities for students to enhance their creativity, skills, worldviews, and organizational abilities, while also facilitating effective management of their leisure time.

Nakhchivan State University is a member of several prominent international associations, including the Eurasian Universities Association, the European Club of Rectors, the Association of Universities of Asia, the Black Sea Basin Universities Union, the Society of Silk Road University Rectors, and the Caucasus Universities Union.

These international affiliations enhance the university’s teaching processes, scientific research, and the implementation of global management practices. The university’s recent efforts to expand its international relations have led to productive collaborations with over 80 higher education institutions across more than 50 countries worldwide.

Recent efforts to expand international relations have resulted in productive collaborations with over 80 higher education institutions across more than 50 countries. The decree issued by the Chairman of the Supreme Assembly of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic on December 14, 2020, mandating the establishment of a Technology Park at the university, is expected to substantially enhance the institution's capabilities. This development is anticipated to bolster international competitiveness, support innovative projects, and improve the quality of staff training.

The Technology Park will facilitate collaboration with other universities and professional experts, supporting both theoretical research and practical outcomes. It will integrate economic, social, and cultural dimensions, thereby contributing to the global scientific and educational community. Enhancing scientific research capabilities and training highly skilled professionals are primary objectives. The new facilities include: the “Diplomacy Center” and “Criminalistics” laboratory at the Faculty of International Relations and Law; the “Technology Center” and “Shooting Center” at the Pedagogical Faculty; the “Robotics” laboratory, STEAM center, “Pharmacy Simulation” lab, and “Green Pharmacy” at various faculties; the “Museum Studies” cabinet at the Faculty of History and Philology; and the “Geology and Cadaster” and “Geography” cabinets and laboratories at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Agriculture.

In 2022, the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Agriculture inaugurated several new facilities, including laboratories for cytology, histology, embryology, and anatomy, as well as a library. Additionally, the Veterinary Medicine Department introduced a “Pathology” lab, and a microbiology and virology laboratory was established.

During the 2022-2023 academic year, the university initiated a dual diploma project in collaboration with Çankırı Karatekin University in Turkey. In 2023, a significant milestone was achieved with the signing of a Memorandum of Cooperation between Nakhchivan State University and IBM, the world’s largest IT company. This agreement aims to foster sustainable global university relations and align with IBM's Global Ecosystem, which spans 170 countries. As part of this initiative, a Software Engineering Institute will be established at Nakhchivan State University in partnership with IBM. The institute will initially focus on academic and collaborative efforts in Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Technologies, Cyber Security, Databases, and Design Thinking.

The successful operation of the IELTS Registration and Examination Center has led to the creation of a new center, SAT, that contributes to the English-speaking environment in higher education. While being remembered for its positive steps towards increasing the international competitiveness of the university, implementing dual diploma programs, and developing the university's international relations, the SAT exam center created today will be remembered for its important contributions not only to the university, but also to the development of the English-speaking environment in Nakhchivan.       

In alignment with the State Program for the Socio-Economic Development of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic for 2023–2027, approved by President Ilham Aliyev, the university is enhancing its collaborations with international higher education institutions, organizing joint programs, and implementing new initiatives. These include the SABAH programs, English-language medical faculties, and medical research clinics. In response to the growing demand for medical personnel, the university has also introduced English-language programs in this specialization.