The Faculty of Pedagogy was established in September 1984 and was restructured in 1996 to become the Faculty of "Primary Education and Preschool Education."

In September 2012, the Pedagogical Faculty building underwent a complete renovation and was expanded with an additional floor.

The faculty offers training for teachers in three specialties.

The faculty provides students with 1 video room, 5 projector rooms, and 1 electronic exam room equipped with 29 computers.

Admissions to the "Physical Education and Pre-Service Training Teaching" specialty have been ongoing since 1994. The faculty features civil-defense pre-service training methodology booths, a new training ground for conducting range training classes in open conditions, and a new shooting room for high-level shooting practice.

The "Technology Teaching" specialty has been available since 2012. The faculty currently has a well-developed material and technical base for this specialty, including a laboratory for "Technology of Making Wood and Metal Products," a "Sewing Workshop," a "Weaving Room," a "Culinary" workshop, a "Carpet Making" workshop, a "Decorative Fine Arts Room," and a "Household Traditions and National Clothing Room," all equipped with high-quality equipment for students' use.

The admission to the "Physical Education and Sports" specialty was conducted from 2000 to 2020. Since 2020, it has continued as the "Coaching" specialty.

Our faculty has significant material and technical resources for sports specialties as well. In 2009, a large and fully equipped sports complex was constructed and made available to athletes. This complex includes facilities for volleyball, basketball, badminton, table tennis, wrestling, boxing, and a training room. Additionally, the faculty and university athletes have access to 1 large football pitch and mini-football pitches.

The faculty also includes the "School History" room, "Sports Museum," and "Handicrafts" museum.

In addition to the aforementioned rooms, museums, and laboratories, there are 16 teaching auditoriums equipped with computers available for our students.

Dean of the Faculty: PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor Vali Heydar oglu Aliyev

Vice Dean: Inci Azer gizi Adilzade

Academic Advisor (Tutor): Najmaddin Bayram oglu Jafarov

Academic Advisor (Tutor): Rumiyya Nemat gizi Piriyeva

Computer Operator: Khaver Alekber gizi Yusifova

The faculty offers undergraduate programs in the following specialties:

Coaching (full-time and part-time departments)

Physical Education and Sports (part-time department)

Physical Education and Pre-Service Training Teaching

Technology Teaching

The following chairs operate within the faculty:

Pedagogy and Psychology

"Primary Education, Preschool Education, and Technology"

Physical Education and Sports

Pre-Service Training and Civil Defense



The faculty has 4 chairs:


The "Pedagogy and Psychology" chair was established on September 22, 1970. Since its inception, it has played a significant role in the social-political and scientific-pedagogical life of the university, becoming a key contributor to its educational activities. The chair's primary mission has always been to enhance the pedagogical and psychological training of future teachers. This includes ensuring high-quality teaching, preparing students to become qualified educators, shaping them into well-rounded citizens, and addressing other critical issues. The chair also prioritizes organizing high-level scientific conferences, symposiums, training sessions, forums, and webinars.

Head of the chair: Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogy, Associate Professor Taleh Farman oglu Khalilov
Laboratory Assistant: Tunzale Rashid gizi Aliyeva

Additionally, the chair hosts a "School History" cabinet.
Cabinet Manager: Kubra Ramiz gizi Guliyeva

Mission of the chair: To train professional personnel who embrace universal values, are nurtured in the national spirit, and develop comprehensively.
Vision of the chair: To become a leading chair in the region's educational space by continually evolving, improving, and fostering innovation.





Adherence to national and moral values

Our Goals:

Conducting high-level training sessions

Developing and implementing educational programs to master essential concepts for understanding scientific and technological issues

Utilizing teaching methods based on problem-solving, experience, and research

Creating and fostering a scientific environment rich in research and practical experience

The "Pedagogy and Psychology" chair employs 12 professors and 2 teaching assistants. Of these, 11 hold Ph.D.s (1 professor, 6 associate professors, 3 senior teachers, and 1 teacher), and the remaining staff includes 1 senior teacher, 1 laboratory technician, and 1 cabinet manager.



Name and surname

Academic title


Taleh Khalilov

PhD. in Pedagogy, associate professor


Vali Aliyev

PhD. in Pedagogy, associate professor


Gultaj Aliyeva

PhD. in Psychology, professor


Vahid Rzayev

PhD. in Pedagogy, associate professor


Salatin Hajıyeva

PhD. in Psychology, associate professor


Nazakat Yusifova

PhD. in Pedagogy, associate professor


Sevda Karimova

PhD. in Pedagogy, senior teacher


Sevinj  Orujova

PhD. in Psychology, associate professor


Mehpara Ahmadova

PhD. in Pedagogy, senior teacher


Chapay  Guliyev

PhD. in Psychology, teacher


Solmaz Bayramova

Senior teacher


Solmaz Cabbarova

PhD. in Pedagogy, senior teacher


Tunzala Aliyeva

Laboratory assistant


Kubra Guliyeva

Cabinet manager

Chair of Primary, Preschool, and Technology

In 1995, the Chair of Teaching Methodology of Subjects was established at Nakhchivan State University. Since 2012, the chair has been renamed to "Methodology of Subject Teaching and Technology Teaching." Currently, the chair employs 9 teaching staff members. Among them, 4 are associate professors, 5 hold Ph.D.s, 1 is a senior teacher, 1 is a teacher, and 3 are 0.5 full-time teachers.

By the order of the Rector of Nakhchivan State University, Ph.D. in Philology, Associate Professor Guliyeva Matanat Hasangulu gizi has been appointed as the Head of the "Primary, Preschool, and Technology" Chair since March 2019 and continues to lead the chair.


Chair composition

1.      Guliyeva Matanat Hasangulu gızı – PhD. in Philology, associate professor

2.       Asadullasoy Mehriban Adıgozal gizi –  PhD. in Philology, associate professor

3.      Seyid Sura Namidar gizi – PhD. in Philology, associate professor

4.      Guliyev Nizami Zulfali oglu – PhD. in Mathematics

5.      Hajıyeva Fatma Ramiz gizi – PhD. in Pedagogy, senior teacher

6.      Baghırov Rovshan Asif oglu – Senior teacher

7.      Taghıyeva Rasmiyya Huseyn gizi – Teacher

8.      Adilzada İnji Azer gizi – 0,5 full time teacher (Vice dean)

9.       Aliyeva Shabnam Ali gizi– 0,5 full time teacher

10.  Mammadova Akay Huseyn gizi- Senior laboratory assistant

11.  Sadıkhova Yegana Yunis gizi- Cabinet manager

12.  Jafarova Vusala Fakhraddin gizi- Cabinet manager

13.  Mustafayeva  Tarlan Fizuli gizi-Preparator

14.  Aliyeva Nigar Tofig gızı- Preparator

15.  Gasimova Fidan Farrukh gizi- Clothing technician


Chair of Physical Education and Sports

Nakhchivan State University (formerly Nakhchivan State Pedagogical Institute) began its activities in 1967, initially focusing on physical education. On November 1, 1972, the "Civil Defense and Physical Education" Chair was established, with Huseynov Khalid Latif oglu appointed as its head. In 1979, Bagirov Israfil Mammadali oglu was appointed as a teacher of the Chair of Physical Education and Sports.

Since that period, in addition to the compulsory physical education classes conducted according to the state program, extracurricular activities such as table tennis, football, basketball, volleyball, and gymnastics were organized in the branch based on the order of the branch directorate dated October 1, 1970. These activities were led by Huseynov Khalid Latif oglu and Bagirov Israfil Mammadali oglu.

Since 1986, Mammadov Nizami Imamali oglu served as the head of the Chair of Physical Education and Sports. In 2000, Rahimov Mammadali Hamza oglu took over as the head of the Chair of Physical Education and Sports Games, and Kazimov Intigam Haji oglu as the head of the Chair of Physical Education and Sports. Subsequently, these chairs were merged under the name of the Chair of Physical Education and Sports, which is currently headed by Taghiyev Avaz Zeynalabdin oglu.

By the order of the Rector of Nakhchivan State University, Associate Professor Taghiyev Avaz Zeynalabdin oglu has been the Head of the Chair of Physical Education and Sports since June 2016 and currently leads the chair.



Name and Surname

Academic title


Taghıyev Avaz Zeynalabdın oglu

Senior teacher


Rahimov Mammadali Hamza oglu

PhD. In Pedagogy, associate professor


Ismayılov Khagani  Eldar oglu

PhD. In Pedagogy, associate professor


Rahimov Javanshir Hamza oglu

Associate professor


Valiyev Yusif Nariman oglu

Associate professor


Babayev Hasan Abbas oglu

Associate professor


Aliyev Nazim Bahlul oglu

Senior teacher


Aliyev Seymur Hasan oglu

Senior teacher


Aliyev Humbat Mehraj oglu

Senior teacher


Huseynova Kifayat Yunis gizi

Senior teacher


Hasanov Turan Mammad oglu



Mamishova Gila Nasraddin gizi

Laboratory assistant


 Chair of Pre-Call Preparation and Civil Defense

Nakhchivan State University (formerly Nakhchivan State Pedagogical Institute) was established in 1967. On November 1, 1972, by the decision of the scientific council of the Nakhchivan Pedagogical Institute, the "Civil Defense and Physical Education" chair was established, with Huseynov Khalid Latif oglu appointed as its head. Hasan Bayramov led the department until 1994. Following Hasan Bayramov, the chair was headed by Dr.Khagani, Mehman Allahverdiyev, and Javanshir Zeynalli respectively. Since November 2007, Associate Professor Rzayev Oktay Rza oglu led the chair, and since June 2023, Associate Professor Alikhanov Valeh Mammad oglu has headed.

Since its establishment, the cahir has been responsible for teaching compulsory courses in Civil Defense and Basics of Medical Knowledge based on the state program.

By the order of the Rector of Nakhchivan State University, the Department of Pre-Call Preparation and Civil Defense has been led by Associate Professor Alikhanov Valeh Mammad oglu since June 2023.

Name and Surname

Academic Title

Valeh Mammad oglu Alikhanov

Head of the Chair, Associate Professor

Vidadi Karim oglu Salmanov

Senior Teacher

Javanshir Abbasali oglu Zeynallı

Senior Teacher

Nazim Asgar oglu Hasanov

Senior Teacher

Oktay Rza oglu Rzayev

Associate Professor

Parviz Rashad oglu Allahverdiyev

Senior Teacher

Nazira Vugar gizi Ganbarova

Laboratory Assistant


Scientific Council

The Scientific Council of the Faculty of Pedagogy at Nakhchivan State University began its activity in 1984. The council approves the work plan of the faculty council at the beginning of each academic year by order of the rector.

Faculty Council meetings are held 11 times a year, with monthly participation of members. An extended meeting of the council is held twice a year. During these meetings, agenda items are discussed and decisions are made according to the work plan.

Composition of the Members of the Scientific Council of the Pedagogical Faculty:

Name and Surname

Academic Degree, Title, and Position

Vali Heydar oglu Aliyev

Dean of the Faculty, Associate Professor of the "Pedagogy and Psychology" Chair, Ph.D. in Pedagogy, Chairperson

Inji Azer gizi Adilzada

0.5 full time teacher at the "Primary, Preschool, and Technology" Chair, Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, Deputy Chairperson

Mehriban Adıgozal gizi Guliyeva

Associate Professor at the Chair of Teaching Methodology of Subjects and Technology, Ph.D. in Philology, Scientific Advisor of the Faculty, Scientific Secretary

Taleh Farman oglu Khalilov

Head of the Chair of Pedagogy and Psychology, Ph.D. in Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Member

Matanat Hasangulu gizi Guliyeva

Head of the "Primary, Preschool, and Technology" Chair, Ph.D. in Philology, Associate Professor, Member