The Faculty of History and Philology was established in 1967. Since 1995, the faculty of history and philology has been operating the educational specialties of History, Azerbaijani language and literature, jurisprudence,library science, history and additional law teaching. In 1998, the specialty of jurisprudence was placed under the Faculty of Economics and Law.

Chairs of Azerbaijani linguistics, Azerbaijani literature, General history, and Azerbaijani history operated in the faculty.

In 2002, the Journalism specialty was opened at the Faculty, and the Journalism and World Literature chair was established. In 2009, the Chair of Librarianship was established, in 2018, it was merged with the Chair of Journalism and World Literature, and in 2020, it was separated from that chair and included in the Chair of Museum studies, archival work and preservation of monuments.

In 2012, the specialty of Museum studies, archival work and preservation of monuments was opened.

Bachelor's preparations in "History teaching", "Azerbaijani language and literature teaching", "History", "Journalism", "Librarianship and information", "Museum studies, archival work and preservation of monuments", "Philology" is carried out at the faculty.

In the part-time department, bachelor preparations are carried out in additional higher education specialties "History", "Librarianship and information activities", "Philology", "Museum, archival work and preservation of monuments", "History", "Philology" (Azerbaijani language and literature).

At the moment, the chairs "History of Azerbaijan", "Language and literature of Azerbaijan", "General history", "Journalism and literature of foreign countries", "Museology, archival work and librarianship" are operating in the faculty.

Since the establishment of the faculty, the Scientific Council of the Faculty has been established. Currently, the Scientific Council is chaired by Arif Agalarov, vice-chairman is Gadir Akbarov, scientific secretary is Abdulla Mustafayev, and it consists of 16 people.


Dean of the Faculty: Doctor of Philosophy in Philology, Associate Professor Arif Mamo oglu Agalarov

Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs: Doctor of Philosophy in History, Gadir Ismail oglu Akbarov

Consulting professor: Corresponding member of ANAS, Professor Hajifakhraddin Yahya oglu Safarli

Academic advisor (tutor): Gunay Adil gizi Alakbarova

                                          Aynur Bahruz gizi Abbasova

Computer operator: Mahmudova Nahida Pasha gizi

Bachelor's preparation in the following specialties is carried out at the faculty:

l  History teaching (full-time)

l  Teaching of Azerbaijani language and literature (full-time)

l  Journalism (full-time)

l  Library and information activities (full-time and part-time departments)

l  Museum, archival work and preservation of monuments (full-time and part-time departments)

l  History (full-time and part-time departments)

l  Philology (Azerbaijani language and literature) (full-time and part-time departments)



Chair of Azerbaijani language and literature

"Azerbaijani language and literature" chair is one of the main leading specialty chairs in the direction of "Teaching Azerbaijani language and literature" at the undergraduate level of higher education.

 In the preparation of future specialists, the chair carries out teaching in various subjects. The taught subjects are taught by highly qualified specialists. Various technical means and methods of modern training are used to improve the quality of teaching of subjects, to increase the efficiency of the teaching process.

 The chair of Azerbaijani literature was established on March 13, 1970 in the Nakhchivan branch of the API. "Literature of Azerbaijan" chair was established on May 31, 1982. In 2018, the "Azerbaijani Linguistics" chair was merged with the "Azerbaijani Literature" chair according to the order of the Cabinet of Ministers, and the "Azerbaijani Language and Literature" chair was created.

The faculty of the department consists of 16 people - 2 professors, 9 Ph.D. in philology, associate professor, 3 Ph.D. in philology, senior teacher. The chair has 2 technical staff: 1 head of the "Azerbaijani language and literature" chair, 1 chief laboratory technician of the chair.

Management of the department

The "Language and Literature of Azerbaijan" chair began to operate on March 13, 1970, in the Nakhchivan branch of API. Until May 31, 1982, prof. Yavuz İbrahimkhalil oglu of Akhund was in charge. On May 31, 1982, the chair of "Azerbaijani language and literature" was separated and the chairs of "Azerbaijani literature" and "Azerbaijani linguistics" were established. From that date to November 1, 2007, the chair of "Azerbaijani literature" was taught by prof. Yavuz İbrahimkhalil oglu of Akhund was in charge. The chair is headed by Professor Gadimov Asker Nadir oglu from November 1, 2007 to September 8, 2021. In 2018, the "Azerbaijani Linguistics" chair was merged with the "Azerbaijani Literature" chair according to the order of the Cabinet of Ministers, and the "Azerbaijani Language and Literature" chair was created. The chair was headed by Professor Gadimov Asker Nadir oglu until September 2021. From September 6, 2022, the chair is headed by Valiyev Elburus Ali oglu.

Professors and teachers of the chair

1. Elburus Ali oglu Valiyev - head of the department, doctor of philosophy in philology, associate professor

2. Asgar Nadir oglu Gadimov - doctor of sciences in philology, professor

3. Sadagat Gurbanali gizi Hasanova - doctor of sciences in philology, professor

4. Guliyev Abulfaz Aman oglu - corresponding member of ANAS, doctor of sciences in philology, professor

5. Galiba Ali gizi Hajiyeva – doctor of philosophy in philology, associate professor

6. Abulfaz Tahir oglu Azimli – doctor of philosophy in philology, associate professor

7. Khanali Abbasali oglu Karimli – doctor of philosophy in philology, associate professor

8. Seyfeddin Ibrahim oglu Eyvazov – doctor of philosophy in philology, head teacher

9. Ganira Izatulla gizi Asgarova – doctor of philosophy in philology, associate professor

10. Arifa Aziz gizi Zeynalova – doctor of philosophy in philology, associate professor

11. Arif Mamo oglu Agalarov – doctor of philosophy in philology, associate professor

12. Ali Hasangulu oglu Hashimov – doctor of philosophy in philology, associate professor

13. Arzu Yusif gizi Abbasova – doctor of philosophy in philology, associate professor

14. Huseynzade Akram Rufat oglu - doctor of philosophy in philology, associate professor

15. Nadir Gasham oglu Ismayilov – doctor of philosophy in philology, senior teacher

16. Nijat Asker oghlu Yagubov – doctor of philosophy in philology, associate professor

17. Gasimova Jannat Gasim gizi - director of the Azerbaijani language and literature cabin

18. Aliyeva Roya Kheyrulla gizi - chief laboratory assistant of the department of Azerbaijani language and literature


Chair of History of Azerbaijan

From the first day of its establishment, the "History" chair was established at Nakhchivan State University. Since 1984, this chair has been called the "History of Azerbaijan" chair.

Currently, 11 employees work in that chair. Among them, 4 people are doctors of science, 2 people are professors, 4 people are associate professors, 3 people are doctors of philosophy, 2 people are teachers. The department is headed by Ph.D,associate professor Huseynov Khazar Allahverdi oglu.

Management of the chair

1. Zehmat Shahverdiyev 1984-1986

2. Mirhashim Seyidov 1986-1990

3. Allahverdi Huseynov 1990-2006

4. Zehmat Shahverdiyev 2006-2022

5. Khazar Huseynov 2023-

Professors and teachers of the chair:

1. Huseynov Khazar Allahverdi oglu - Ph.D, associate professor

2. Safarli Hajifakhreddin Yahya oglu, - corresponding member of ANAS, professor

3. Bakhshaliyev Veli Bakhshali oglu - Corresponding member of ANAS, professor

4. Abbasova Sevinj Zakir gizi - Ph.d, docent

5. Rahimov Rafig Vilayat oglu, -Ph.d, associate professor

6. Huseynbeyli Nadir Muzaffar oglu - t.ü.f.d, senior teacher

7. Zamanov Elchin Dagbey oghlu, - Ph.D., associate professor

8. Akbarov Gadir Ismayil oglu -  t.ü.f.d, senior teacher

9. Aliyev Zamin Gasim oglu -Ph.d, senior teacher

10. Mammadli Nuray Qanbar gizi - teacher

11. Hajiyeva Nuray Javid gizi - Teacher

12. Hajiyeva Asli Adil gizi - Cabin manager

13. Orujlu Nurana Safa gizi - Laboratory technician

The Chair of History was formed on the basis of the history department established in 1967.

The chair of "General history" was organized on the basis of order No. 160 of the rectorate dated September 10, 1992.

The composition of the teaching staff of the "General history" chair consists of 8 people - 5 people are doctors of philosophy in history, associate professors, 1 person is a doctor of philosophy in history, teacher, 2 people are teachers. The chair has 1 technical staff: laboratory assistant of the chair.

Management of the department

The Chair of History was formed on the basis of the Department of History established in 1967. From 1967 to 1970, the history chair was headed by associate professor Ali Aliyev, who worked as director. In 1970-1973, he headed the chair, which was formed as the chair of history.

The Chair of History was headed by candidate of historical sciences, associate professor Ziyad in 1973-1984, from December 19, 1984 to September 20, 1986, by associate professor Zahmet Shahverdiyev, from September 1986 to October 27, 1992 by candidate of historical sciences Mirhashim Seyidov.

The Chair of History was divided into the Chairs of Azerbaijani History and General History by Order No. 160 dated September 10, 1992.

From October 27, 1992 to December 18, 1997, it was led by associate professor Hamza Jafarov, from December 18, 1997 to May 2008, candidate of historical sciences, associate professor Ismayil Zeynalov. From 2008 to June 2018, associate professor Kangarli Ilgar Ismayil oglu headed the chair.

From June 2018 to November 27, 2023, Doctor of Philosophy in History, associate professor Jabbarli Alekbar Hasan oglu headed the chair.

From November 27, 2023, associate professor Bagirov Rasul Bashirali oglu heads the department.

Head of the chair: Doctor of philosophy in history, associate professor Rasul Bashirali oglu Bagirov

The professor-teacher staff of the chair:

l  Ismayil Ali oglu Zeynalov – PhD in history, associate professor

l   Alekbar Hasan oglu Jabbarli – doctor of philosophy in history, associate professor

l   Abdulla Nariman oghlu Mustafayev – Doctor of Philosophy in History, Associate Professor

l   Ilgar Ismayil oghlu Kangarli – doctor of philosophy in history, associate professor

l   Bagirov Rasul Bashirali oghlu – doctor of philosophy in history, associate professor

l   Nazli Sardargizi Seyidova – teacher

l  Ruhiyya Nemet gizi Rzayeva – doctor of philosophy in history, senior teacher

l   Munavvar Muharram gizi Suleymanova - teacher

l   Pusta Samaddin gizi Ahmadova – laboratory assistant


"Journalism and literature of foreign countries" chair

"Journalism and literature of foreign countries" chair is a department that prepares staff at the undergraduate level of higher education, specializing in Journalism.

The "Journalism" specialty has been operating at the university since 2001. The chair was established in 2002 under the name of "Journalism and World Literature" chair. Since 2018, it has been playing an important role in the training of highly educated journalist specialists in the region under the name of "Journalism and librarianship" chair, and since September 2020, "Journalism and literature of foreign countries" chair. The chair was headed by associate professor I. Jafarov in 2001-2006, by associate professor. S. Sura in 2006-2013. The chair is headed by PhD in philology, associate professor Shahla Shiraliyeva from 2013 until now. The first issue of the department  was in 2005.

The faculty of the chair consists of 7 people.

Head of the chair: PhD in philology, associate professor Shahla Kifayat gizi Shiraliyeva

The professor-teacher staff of the chair:

l  Shahla Kifayat gizi Shiraliyeva - head of the chair, doctor of philosophy in philology, associate professor

l  Iman Zeynalabdin oglu Jafarov– PhD in philology, associate professor

l   Hikmet Mehdi oglu Mehdiyev - doctor of philosophy in philology, associate professor

l   Khumar Shamsi gizi Mammadova - doctor of philosophy in philology, associate professor

l  Mehriban Pasha gizi Sultanova - Ph.D. in philology, senior teacher

l   Elnara Islam gizi Allahverdiyeva - doctor of philosophy in political sciences

l  Saadat Ali gizi Aliyeva - senior teacher

l   Historian Gulay Abdulla - teacher

"Museology, archival work and librarianship" chair


The chair of "Museology, archival work and librarianship" was established in 2012 at Nakhchivan State University. Currently, the chair has 11 employees. Among them, 1 person is a doctor of sciences, 5 people are a doctor of philosophy, 1 person is an honored teacher of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, 2 people are teachers and 1 person is a laboratory assistant.





According to the order of the rector of Nakhchivan State University, Aliyev Mammad Hasan oglu, Doctor of Philosophy in History, has been appointed head of the chair on public grounds since September 2012. Since 2015, he has been appointed full-time head of the chair and currently heads the chair.

l  Aliyev Mammad Hasan oglu - doctor of philosophy in history, head of the chair

l  Jafarov Fakhreddin Adil oglu - doctor of sciences in history, senior teacher

l  Ismayilova Nazakat Rza gizi - Ph.D. Assoc. Teacher

l  Nemetova Sadagat Nasir gizi - Ph.D. Assoc. Teacher

l   Mammadova Sherabani Ali Gizi - Ph.D. Assoc. Teacher

l   Behbudova Aypara Novruz Gizi - Ph.D. Assoc. Teacher

l   İsmayilova Yaseman Isa gizi - teacher

l  Seyidova Zenfira Sarvar gizi - teacher

l   Orujova Narmin Zahir gizi - teacher

l  Ocagguliyeva Sevda Isa gizi - teacher

l  Aliyeva Azade Nazim gizi - teacher


Nakhchivan State University, Faculty of History and Philology


a)         Those who are members according to their positions:

1. Agalarov Arif Mamo oglu (Chairman) - Dean, associate professor, doctor of philosophy in philology

2. Akbarov Gadir Ismayil oglu (Deputy Chairman) - Deputy Dean, Doctor of Philosophy in History

3. Mustafayev Abdulla Nariman oglu (Scientific Secretary) - Associate Professor of the chair of General History, Doctor of Philosophy in History

4. Valiyev Elburus Ali oglu - head of the chair of Azerbaijani language and literature, doctor of philosophy in philology, associate professor

5. Shiraliyeva Shahla Kifayat gizi - Head of the chair of Journalism and Literature of Foreign Countries, Associate Professor, Doctor of Philosophy in Philology, Associate Professor

6. Aliyev Mammad Hasan oglu - head of the chair of museology, archival work and librarianship, associate professor, doctor of philosophy in history

7. Bagirov Rasul Bashirali oglu - Head of the chair of General History, Doctor of Philosophy in History,

8. Huseynov Khazar Allahverdi oghlu - Head of the chair of History of Azerbaijan, Doctor of History, Associate Professor

9. Ismayilov Nadir Gasham oglu - Chairman of the Faculty Trade Union, Doctor of Philosophy in Philology

b) Those who are members by election:

10. Rahimov Rafig Vilayat oglu - associate professor of Azerbaijan history chair, doctor of philosophy in history

11. Jafarov Iman Zeynalabdin oghlu - associate professor of the chair of journalism and foreign literature, doctor of philosophy in philology

12. Hashimov Ali Hasangulu - Associate Professor of the chair of Azerbaijani Language and Literature, Doctor of Philosophy in Philology

13. Yagubov Nijat Asgar oglu - Associate Professor of the chair of Azerbaijani Language and Literature, Doctor of Philosophy in Philology