Technology Transfer And Innovations Department



The Technology Transfer and Innovations Department at Nakhchivan State University is responsible for managing patents, copyrights, and trademarks. It collaborates with the Intellectual Property Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan and its Patent and Trademark Examination Center in processing applications for inventions and patents. The department also engages in startup projects to bring university discoveries and innovations to market. It serves as a bridge for transferring innovations from the university to industry, establishing connections with medium and large companies. Additionally, it promotes university-wide research and scholarship programs through effective technology transfer to industry. The technology transfer policy uses a systematic, step-by-step process to efficiently acquire and evaluate university innovations. This approach helps higher education institutions focus their resources on innovation, which is key to creating social and economic benefits. It also creates opportunities for collaboration between idea creators and both global and spin-off companies, boosting the chances for successful development and application of these innovations.Managing intellectual property well is key to developing innovations and maintaining strong partnerships between research institutes and industry. Nakhchivan State University uses its intellectual property policy to effectively integrate research results into the value chain, helping to develop new technologies and scientific progress.

 The Department's intellectual property policy is designed to reduce the risks of uncertainty and loss of scientific and technical knowledge at the university. It also supports Nakhchivan State University's goal of becoming an entrepreneurial institution by promoting the development of skilled scientists, ensuring long-term sustainability, and optimizing the utilization of research outcomes.