Department of Television, Press, and Public Relations

The 21st century, known as the Information and Multimedia Age, has significantly advanced the university’s press, transforming it into an efficient and dynamic field. The creation of the Press Service at the university in 2000 established the foundation for its public relations efforts. In 2009, the formation of the Press Department, building upon the Press Service, significantly expanded and enhanced activities in this area. 
Since 2001, the initiation of staff training in Journalism and the establishment of the Department of Journalism and World Literature in 2002 have necessitated a systematic and organized approach in this field.
  The Television, Press, and Public Relations Department plays a coordinating role between the university and the mass media. It focuses on acquiring and disseminating critical information about scientific and educational innovations at Nakhchivan State University. This includes scientific and cultural events, construction projects, university involvement in international conferences and symposia, their appearances in foreign media, new publications, and cultural and sports events. Covering these topics in the press forms the basis of the department's activities.
  The department also addresses the needs of press agencies for scientific and educational information and actively conveys advancements in national science and education to a wide audience. Additionally, it offers a solid platform for undergraduate and graduate journalism students to gain valuable professional experience.

1   Department Head
2 Mammadova Badem Rashadat    Editor
3 Hajili Parviz Ibrahim


4 Sayyadova Fakhriya Fakhri Presenter
5 Ahmadov Suat Yusif Operator
6 Maharramov Agshin Maharram


7 Ismayilova Khayala Mammad

Social Media Specialist (SMM)

8. Maharramov Akhshin Maharram 




Contact Us:

Phone: (+99436) 544-08-61    Extension: 11-50



On April 27, 2006, the "Student" television studio at Nakhchivan State University commenced operations, marking a significant milestone in the history of Azerbaijani education and regional journalism. The establishment of the television studio was primarily based on the experiences of the United States, Switzerland, and Türkiye. Currently, the university television utilizes the concept of cable television—a system that transmits information and programs from a central station to individual subscribers via cable—and broadcasts across the university's 108-hectare campus. This is facilitated through televisions installed in the large auditoriums of the educational buildings.

By a decree issued by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic on October 11, 2006, a specific frequency was allocated for television broadcasting within the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic. In compliance with this decree, the television channel was officially registered with the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic Ministry of Communication and Information Technologies on October 20, 2006. The ministry’s allocation of a designated frequency and approval for broadcasting on a separate channel have enabled the television channel to be accessible within a 10-kilometer radius of the university campus.

The educational and informational programs produced by the television studio play a crucial role in the development of the student youth. The university television's participation in and successful representation at the Kentavr International Film Festival in Tbilisi in 2010 have motivated students and faculty members to approach their roles in operating, directing, and editing with increased responsibility and enthusiasm. Additionally, this success has reinforced the importance of adhering to the standards required for documentary filmmaking.

The university television embodies concepts of innovation, development, and integration through the use of telebridge technology, an essential element in today’s globalized era. It broadcasts relevant lectures by faculty members and conveys the wishes and recommendations of international guests to a broad audience. In a relatively short time, the television station—supported by a core team of academic staff and Journalism students—has successfully developed a well-rounded team comprising presenters, editors, operators, reporters, and technical experts.

During its operational period, the University Television has produced a number of documentary films.

·         "Vəhdətin Dayaq Nöqtəsi" ("The Cornerstone of Unity"): A documentary on the life and work of Professor Isa Habibbayli.

·         "Müdriklik Fəlsəfəsi" ("The Philosophy of Wisdom"): A tribute to the 70th anniversary of the late Associate Professor Abbas Mehdiyev.

·         "Rənglər Dünyası" ("The World of Colors"): A film dedicated to the creative work of student artist Arzu Novruzov.

·         "Ecazkar Mavi İşıq" ("The Enchanting Blue Light"): A documentary reflecting the first year of the "Student" Television Studio's activities.

·         "Vətən Sığır Ürəyimə" ("The Homeland Fits in My Heart"): A film honoring the late poet-publicist and candidate of historical sciences, Vagif Mammadov, who served as the director of NDU’s "Qeyrət" Publishing House from 1997 to 2016.

·         "Dünyaya Virtual Pəncərə" ("A Virtual Window to the World"): A documentary about the "Electronic Nakhchivan" project, a significant international initiative realized by the university.

·         "Bir Ömrün Simfoniyası" ("The Symphony of a Lifetime"): A film celebrating the 70th anniversary of Professor Saida Mammadova, a distinguished cultural worker and head of the university’s "Fortepiano" Department.

·         "Naxçıvan Dövlət Universitetinin İnkişaf Yolu" ("The Path of Development of Nakhchivan State University"): A documentary on the development trajectory of Nakhchivan State University.


Currently, the television continues to broadcast programs related to significant historical anniversaries and conveys ongoing developments within the university, effectively informing its audience.

Student cameramen and reporters who accompanied university staff on foreign trips captured images and meetings in various cities such as Tabriz and Urmia in Iran, Iğdır, Kars, İzmit, Kocaeli, and other Turkish locations, as well as Moscow and Novosibirsk in Russia, and Seoul, Busan, and Gwangju in South Korea. By digitizing these recordings, they deliver valuable information to local television audiences and contribute to the preservation of these encounters as historical records.

The 'Electronic Education Network and Digital Multimedia Infrastructure' project, collaboratively implemented by Nakhchivan State University and the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), has been successfully completed. The second significant component of the project specifically focused on developing of digital multimedia infrastructure. Within the framework of the project, the new infrastructure at the "Student" television station has greatly enhanced the video lesson production and the implementation of distance learning. The station is now equipped with modern technologies, including a virtual studio, to support these goals. The system includes a control room, server room, and studio rooms. Its primary goal is to facilitate the transition to distance education and the establishment of an electronic university. In the control room, video lectures are recorded in HD formats using specialized software and stored in the system. These recordings are uploaded to the 'Electronic Lecture' section on the university’s portal for faculty use. Since January 2018, the university has offered distance education in four foreign language teaching specialties: English, Russian, French, and German. 'University' television and 'Nuhçıxan' radio now broadcast in HD MPEG-4 digital format across Nakhchivan city.


On July 20, 2011, the "Nuhchixan" radio station began operations at Nakhchivan State University. The creative team of the radio station consists of faculty and students from the university's Journalism program. The radio primarily produces programs focused on science, education, and culture, and regularly covers updates and developments within the university. For students who will become future journalists, this radio serves as a true training ground. “Nuhçıxan” radio station broadcasts not only within the university but also within a 10-kilometer radius. The radio and television studio is equipped with modern technology and equipment, providing a comprehensive environment for students to develop both technical and creative skills. The studio’s rooms are outfitted with the latest broadcast equipment, lighting systems, and essential technical apparatus for producing high-quality audio and broadcast signals. These facilities are provided by companies specializing in the production of modern devices for both television and radio channels.

Our main idea is for students to acquire the skills necessary for a journalist themselves. Having a channel specifically directed at students in the broadcasting media environment is a significant advantage. The difference between the university’s television and radio and others is that they focus on science, education, and the teaching process. Students from the Journalism and Library Science programs work practically in the Media Center. The activities of the “Student” television and “Nuhçıxan” radio are commendable for the professional development of journalism students. Covering various events at the university, historical days, anniversaries of literature and art figures, and producing programs directly related to the activities of the university’s faculties is crucial for evaluating students' future prospects. Selecting and evaluating students from other programs who have a special interest in this field is a primary focus of the Media Center.

Today, the independent Republic of Azerbaijan confidently strides towards a brighter future on the path of legal and democratic state-building laid by our national leader, Heydar Aliyev. Azerbaijani media occupies a prominent position at the forefront of this development. In fact, it could not be otherwise. Both traditional print media and electronic media bear a responsibility that is today far greater than ever before. The Media Center at the university, thanks to the special care of the state, adopts and continues the traditions of Azerbaijani and Nakhchivan media as its operational focus.



 The tradition of publishing multi-circulation newspapers, widespread in the universities of the republics of the former Soviet Union, served the purpose of promoting the ideology of the existing society rather than providing opportunities for creative activity of teachers and students. On the eve of independence, these newspapers played a significant role in advocating ideas such as the restoration of historical memory, the revival of national statehood traditions, a return to ancestral roots, and respect for customs and traditions.

The first issue of the "Fikir" (Idea) newspaper, printed on October 15, 1991, at Nakhchivan State University, emerged against the backdrop of these national and historical processes. The "Fikir" newspaper, authorized for publication based on registration certificate No. 330 issued by the State Press Committee of the Azerbaijan SSR on September 5, 1991, was the first press organ printed at a regional university in the Azerbaijani higher education system. The creation of Nakhchivan State University from the Nakhchivan State Pedagogical Institute named after Yusif Mammadaliyev, as decided by the Council of Ministers of the Azerbaijan SSR on December 29, 1990, also played an important role in the emergence of the "Fikir" newspaper. Gaining university status was one of the key factors ensuring the publication of the multi-copy newspaper at the higher education institution.

At that time, naming the Nakhchivan State University’s press organ "Fikir" was associated with the intention to preserve and continue the name and tradition of the "Fikir" educational newspaper that Alexey Osipovich Chernyayev, the inspector of the Georgian branch of the Gori Teacher’s Seminary, and his Nakhchivan-born student, Aliammad Khalilov, wanted to publish in Tbilisi but could not achieve. The article titled "The 'Fikir' Newspaper – 98 Years Later," published in the second issue of November 12, 1991, also characterizes this press organ as "a platform for those who can think, compare, and draw conclusions." Thus, the "Fikir" newspaper served as a press platform for university teachers and students in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic until 1997, contributing to the development of intellectual thought and creating a chronicle of university life.

In subsequent years, following the European universities' integration, and drawing on the experience of publishing information bulletins rather than newspapers in Western higher education institutions, it was decided to print an information bulletin with the same name, based on the "Fikir" newspaper at Nakhchivan State University. Over the years, the "Fikir" information bulletin has successfully continued to illuminate the scientific and educational environment of the higher education institution in Nakhchivan. Therefore, alongside the multi-issue "Scientific Works" journal and the "Fikir" information bulletin, there was also a need for a higher education newspaper. Especially with the existence of undergraduate and graduate programs in Journalism at the university, the publication of the newspaper emerges as a crucial factor for providing future journalists with initial experience in the field of newspaper publishing during their student years. For all these reasons, the publication of the "Yeni Fikir" (New Idea) higher education newspaper as an addition to the "Fikir" information bulletin is considered appropriate.

The first issue of the "Yeni Fikir" newspaper was published on April 1, 2011, and it is a continuation of the "Fikir" newspaper, which began publication at Nakhchivan State University 20 years ago, marking a new phase of the "Fikir" newspaper. This newspaper, in addition to providing necessary information, also serves as a press organ that opens space for literary and journalistic writings not included in the "Fikir" information bulletin.The "Yeni Fikir" also functions as a professional school for teachers and students of the Journalism specialty, as well as anyone interested in a career in the press. Future journalists gain valuable opportunities to learn the characteristics of journalistic craftsmanship, develop working habits related to printing, create layouts, and master photojournalism through the publication of this newspaper. The "Yeni Fikir" also contributes to enriching the scientific and educational perspectives within the university environment with literary and journalistic thought.

The editor-in-chief of the "Yeni Fikir" newspaper is Shahla Kifayat qizi Shiraliyeva, the head of the Department of Journalism and World Literature, a Ph.D. in Philology, and an associate professor.


The article published in the second issue of the newspaper on November 12, 1991, titled "Fikir Newspaper - After 98 Years," also describes this press outlet as a "platform for those who can think, compare, and draw conclusions." Thus, the "Fikir" newspaper continued to function as a press platform for university teachers and students in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic until 1997, contributing to the development of intellectual thought and creating a chronicle of university life.

In subsequent years, with integration into European universities and drawing on the experience of publishing informational bulletins rather than newspapers in Western higher education institutions, it was decided to publish an informational bulletin under the same name, "Fikir," based on the "Fikir" newspaper at Nakhchivan State University. Over the years, the "Fikir" informational bulletin has continued to illuminate successfully the scientific and educational environment of the university in Nakhchivan. As a result, alongside the multi-volume "Scientific Works" journal and the "Fikir" informational bulletin, there arose a need for a university newspaper at Nakhchivan State University.

The presence of undergraduate and graduate programs in journalism at the university also makes the publication of a newspaper a necessary factor for gaining initial experience during student years, particularly for the new generation of press workers who will work in the field of newspaper publishing in the future. Therefore, it was deemed appropriate to publish a university newspaper titled "Yeni Fikir" as an addition to the "Fikir" informational bulletin at Nakhchivan State University.

The first issue of the "Yeni Fikir" newspaper, published on April 1, 2011, is a continuation of the "Fikir" newspaper, which began publication 20 years earlier at Nakhchivan State University, representing a new phase of the "Fikir" newspaper. This newspaper, in addition to providing essential information, also serves as a press outlet that offers space for artistic-journalistic writings that cannot be published in the "Fikir" informational bulletin. "Yeni Fikir" also serves as a professional school for teachers and students of journalism, as well as for anyone who wishes to pursue a career in journalism.

Through the publication of this newspaper, future journalists have the opportunity to learn the craft of journalism, gain skills in working with printing houses, learn layout design, and master photojournalism. "Yeni Fikir" also contributes to enriching the scientific-educational perspectives within the university environment with literary-journalistic thought.

The chief editor of the "Yeni Fikir" newspaper is Shahla Kifayat gizi Shiraliyeva, Ph.D. in Philology and Associate Professor, and the head of the Department of Journalism and World Literature.