Dissertation Councils operating at Nakhchivan State University

1. FD 2.39 Dissertation Council - operates in three specialties.

  1.  5706.01-Azerbaijani language
  2.  5716.01- Azerbaijani literature
  3.  5708.01- German languages

2. Higher Attestation under the President of the Republic By order of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated January 26, 2024, FD 2.39 Dissertation level BFD 2.39/1 One-time Dissertation council was established. The Dissertation Council needs dissertation defenses on the specialty 5704.01- Linguistic theory.

3. According to the Order of the Higher Attestation System dated December 22, 2024 under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the One-time Dissertation Council for two specialties is an organization. BFD 2.24 The one-time dissertation council organizes defenses for specialties:

  1. 5308.01- General economy
  2. 2. 5311.01- Organization and management of enterprises