
1.1 Rules (hereinafter "Rules") for the organization of teaching with the credit system at the undergraduate and graduate levels of higher education institutions are prepared according to Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Education", "State standard and program of the higher education level" approved by the relevant decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan in order to ensure the implementation of the Clause 1.3 of Decree No. 156 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated September 5, 2009 "On the application of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Education"", "Content and organization rules of undergraduate education", "Content, organization of master's education and rules for awarding "master's" degrees", and the European Credit Transfer System.

1.2. The rules apply to all higher education institutions operating in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan, regardless of their subordination, type of ownership, and organizational-legal form.

1.3. The educational process organized on the basis of the credit system is characterized by the following features:

- having an individual study plan for each student and their participation in the development of this plan;

- selection of teaching subjects, the amount of credits per semester, educators and tutors in accordance with the curricula of the higher education institution;

- involvement of academic advisors (tutors) in the educational process;

- creation of conditions for free work for the student;

- the application of a multi-point system in the assessment of knowledge;

- formation of teaching groups by subjects in each semester;

- drawing up a journal for each subject;

- providing mobility of students and educators;

- the dependence of the education period on the student's achievement;

- coding of faculties, departments, specialties, subjects, teachers, students.

1.4. The higher education institution should familiarize students with the rules of the organization of the credit system and provide opportunities for the student to earn the credit specified in the curriculum during the period of study.

1.5. The organization of education with the credit system in higher education institutions is regulated by relevant institutions (teaching department, registration, assessment, monitoring, etc.).

1.6. These rules apply to full-time and part-time forms of higher education.