Faculty of Physics and Mathematics

About the faculty

The Faculty of Physics and Mathematics is one of the important faculties of the education system of Nakhchivan State University that prepares qualified staff members for the fields such as mathematics, informatics, and physics. The faculty was established in 1971.

Currently, the faculty trains highly educated specialists in "Mathematics teacher", "Teaching Mathematics teacher and Informatics", "Physics teacher", "Mathematics" and "Physics".

In 1971-1973, PhD in Mathematical Physics, associate professor Mammad Bektashi, in 1973-1975, PhD in Mathematical Physics, associate professor Ali Maharramov, in 1975-1978, PhD in Mathematical Physics, associate professor Gadir Gurbanov, 1978-1983, PhD in Mathematical Physics, associate professor Yashar Akbarov, in 1983-1988, PhD in Mathematical Physics, associate professor Huseyn Mammadov, in 1988-1992, PhD in Chemistry, associate professor Akif Aliyev, 1992-1997 In 1997-2000, Doctor of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics, Professor Zohrab Valiyev, in 1997-2000, Doctor of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics, associate professor Sadiq Valiyev, in 2000-2009, PhD in Mathematical Physics, associate professor Farman Gocayev, in 2009-2015, PhD in Mathematical Physics, associate professor Tofig Najafov, in 2015-2022, PhD in Pedagogy, associate professor Orkhan Jafarov were in charge of the faculty. Maftun Ismayilov, PhD in Mathematics and associate professor, has been head of the faculty since 2022.

Before the establishment of the faculty—in 1967–1971, specialists in the field of mathematics were trained in the Nakhchivan Pedagogical Institute, a branch of the Azerbaijan Pedagogical Institute.

"General mathematics,"  "General and theoretical physics," and "informatics" departments operate in the specialist training in the faculty.


“General Mathematics”

1. History of the department 

The "General Mathematics" department of Nakhchivan State University was established in 1967 as a branch of the Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University and began to form.

Since 2018, the "General Mathematics" department has been functioning as the only department of mathematics within the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics as a university-wide department.

During the activity of the department, important results were obtained by conducting important scientific research works in many fields of mathematics, and many of these results were published in high-ranking scientific journals of the world. During the period of its activity, the department of "General mathematics" had notable services in the training of highly qualified personnel.

2. Management of the department

From May 2022, based on the decision of the scientific council of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Nakhchivan State University, the "General Mathematics" department is headed by associate professor Hasanov Abdulla Ismayil oglu.

3. General information about the department

At the bachelor's degree, employees of the department of "General mathematics" teach the subjects related to mathematics in "Mathematics", "Mathematics teacher", "Mathematics and informatics teacher", "Physics", "Physics teacher", "Computer engineering", "Azerbaijani language and literature teacher", "Biology teacher", "Chemistry teacher", "Geography "teacher" and in many other specialties of the university.

Modern methods and technical ways of training are used to improve the quality of the teaching of subjects and to increase the efficiency of the teaching process.

The department actively engages in the training of scientific-pedagogical staff at the bachelor's, master's, doctoral, and dissertation levels. Currently, the department has two PhD students and fifteen master's students.

The members of the department regularly present scientific and scientific-pedagogical articles and reports in international and republican journals and conferences and publish monographs, textbooks, and methodical materials.

Currently, the department has 23 teaching staff and one chief laboratory assistant.




Name, Surname, Patronymic



Hasanov Abdulla Ismayil oglu

Chair head, Associate Professor


Mammadov Abulfaz Mammad oglu

Associate Professor


Hasanov Rovshan Avaz oglu

Associate Professor


Eminov Miryasin Seyidali oglu

Ph. Doctor in Math. Senior Lecturer


Guliyev Javanshir Khudayar oglu

Ph. Doctor in Math. Senior Lecturer


Jafarov Orkhan Jafar oglu

Ph. Doctor in Math. Associate Professor


Aliyev Sahib Ali oglu

Associate Professor


Agayev Elshad Valigulu oglu

Associate Professor


Seyidov Dashgin Alakbar oglu

Ph. Doctor in Math. Senior Lecturer


Namazova Naila Mahammad gizi

Ph. Doctor in Math. Senior Lecturer


Safarova Arzu Ramiz gizi

Ph. Doctor in Math. Senior Lecturer


Seyidova Aynura Mirmahmud gizi

Ph. Doctor in Math. Senior Lecturer


Muradova Nazila Latif gizi

Associate Professor


Mammadov Famil Vali oglu

Senior Lecturer


Gojayeva Nubar Bandali gizi

Senior Lecturer


Jafarova Ruhiyya Orujali gizi

Ph. Doctor in Math. Senior Lecturer


Mammadova Aysen Jeyhun gizi

Senior Lecturer


Aliyev Jeyhun Khurram oglu



Rzayev Umud Hasan oglu

Tutor,  Lecturer


Nagiyeva Zumrud Imran gizi



Muslumova Fatma Ahmad gizi



Gahramanov Masud Gushdan oglu



Jafarli Guzel Firudin gizi



Bagirova Jamala Hagverdi gizi

Senior laboratory technician


Department of Theoretical Physics

History of the department

Nakhchivan State University was established on the basis of the Nakhchivan State Pedagogical Institute named after Y. Mammadaliyev by the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated December 29, 1990. This institute was a branch of the Azerbaijan State Pedagogical Institute (now APU) in 1967-72, and became an independent institute in 1972. In 1972, the "General Physics" department was established under the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. Since 1997, the name of this department has been changed to "General and Theoretical Physics" department. Currently, there are 4 associate professors, 3 senior lecturers and 3 lecturers working in this department. The teaching assistant staff of the department includes 1 laboratory manager, 1 laboratory assistant and a preparator.

By the order of the Rector of Nakhchivan State University, Doctor of Philosophy in Physics Hajiyeva Billura Tavakkul gizi has been appointed as the head of the "General and Theoretical Physics" department since September 2021 and is currently leading the department.


 Activities of the department

The department carries out training in 37 different subjects in the training of future teachers in the indicated specialties. The subjects are taught by highly qualified specialists. In order to increase the quality of the teaching of subjects, to increase the efficiency of the educational process, various technical means (ICT) and methods of modern education are widely used. The department of "General and Theoretical Physics" conducts personnel training in the following specialties of the bachelor's and master's level of higher education:

On the bachelor's level

1. Physics - taught in Azerbaijani language (full-time);

2. Physics Teaching - taught in Azerbaijani language (full-time);

Master's degree

1. Physics Teaching Methodology - teaching in Azerbaijani language;

2. Physics of Semiconductors - Teaching in Azerbaijani language;

The teaching staff of the department


Name, Surname, Patronymic



Hajiyeva Billura Tavakkul g.

Ph.Doctor in Physics, head teacher, head of the department


Gojayev Farman Rza o.

Ph.Doctor in Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor


Hasanov Khanali Ali o.

Ph.Doctor in Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor


Sultanova Aygun Haji g.

Ph.Doctor in Physics, Associate Professor


Gardashbayova Naila Adam g.

Ph.Doctor in Physics, Associate Professor


Akbarova Nurida Yashar g.

Ph.Doctor in Physics, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer


Jafarov Seyfaddin Adil o.

Senior Lecturer


Tagiyev Elgun Bashir o.

Senior Lecturer


Shukurova Yagut Telman g.



Gararyev Anar Abulfaz o.



Haziyev Gulu Ahmad o.

Ph.Doctor in Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor


Mammadova Khuraman Adalat g.



Mammadov Ruslan Tavakkul o.



Jamalova Tarana Sabir g.

Laboratory manager


Hasanli Asmar Bahram g.

Laboratory technician


Asgarova Aysu Bahram g.



Department of Informatics

History of the department

 On May 30, 1988, the "Mathematics and Computing Techniques" department was established at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the Nakhchivan State University. Then the name of the department was changed and named the "Informatics and Computing Techniques" department. Today, the department operates under the name of "Informatics". Currently, 10 professors, teachers and 2 teaching assistants work in that department. There are 3 associate professors, 5 head lecturers, 2 lecturers, 1 laboratory assistant and 1 lecturer working in the department.

Management of the department

According to the order No. 2454 of rector of the Nakhchivan State University, assistant professor Vugar Ibrahim oglu Salmanov, Ph.Doctor in Mathematics, heads the department from February 29, 2024.

 The teaching staff of the department

1.   Salmanov Vugar Ibrahim oglu

2.   Ismayilov Maftun Ismayil oglu

3.   Mammadov Elshən Nemat oglu

4.   Mammadova Konul Nizami gizi

5.   Pashayeva Sevinj Elman gizi

6.   Seyidova Mansuma Mirali gizi

7.   Asgarov Annagi Musa oglu

8.   Sabzaliyev Ali İlgar oglu

9.    Safarova Zumrud Rasim gizi

10. Ahmadova Ayisha Jafar gizi

11. Rzayeva Nuray Oruj gizi.

12. Asgarova Zeynab Suleyman gizi

Scientific Commission

Body of the scientific commission members of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Nakhchivan State University

Name and surname of the commission members


Ismayilov Maftun Ismayil oglu (Chairman)


Seyidov Dshgin Alakbar oglu (Vice-Chairman)


Sabzaliyev Ali Ilgar oglu(Scientific secretary)


Hasanov Abdulla Ismayil oglu


Haciyeva Billura Tavakkul gizi


Salmanov Vugar Ibrahim oglu


Gocayev Farman Rza oglu


Aliyev Sahib Ali oglu


Sultanova Aygun Haci gizi


Mammadov Famil Vali oglu


Mammadov Rahim Kamal oglu – YAP (NAP)


Huseynova  Nurgul  Khalig gizi –TEC (SSS)


Zeynalov Sadi Gachay oglu  – THİK (STUC)


Gahramanova Didem Khazar gizi –TGT (SUO)