Rights and duties of students

4.1 The student must familiarize himself with these Regulations and strictly adhere to them when drawing up his individual study plan.

4.2 During education, the student is obliged to master the taught subjects by strictly following the individual study plan.

4.3 A student who does not attend more than 30% of the classroom hours allocated for a subject is not allowed to take the exam in that subject.

4.4 A student is expelled from a higher education institution in the following cases:

- if he misses more than 30% of the total classroom hours allocated to all subjects taught during the semester without an excuse;

- in other cases determined by the internal disciplinary rules of the higher education institution;

- if the professional unfitness of the student is determined in specialties requiring special abilities.

4.5 If the student fails to collect the required credits in the period determined by the educational program for the specialty (specialization), he/she loses the privileges provided by other relevant legislation, while retaining the rights specified in the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Education".At this time, he/she is not excluded from the list of students and can continue his education only on a paid basis, being kept in the contingent. In this case, the student's payment is determined by dividing the annual tuition fees for the specialization by 60 and multiplying the credits of the subjects taken. These rules also apply to individuals studying in private higher education institutions.

4.6 The student can earn credits in other higher education institutions in accordance with the requirements of clause 6.1 of these Regulations.

4.7 A student can obtain his transcript from the institution of higher education at any time during his studies.

4.8 If the student has an academic debt in the current semester, he/she will be deprived of the scholarship in the next semester. If that student earns credits in all subjects taken in the following semester, his/her scholarship is reinstated.