Teaching and Methodological Council

The Teaching and Methodological Council at Nakhchivan State University is responsible for participating in the development of educational standards, curricula, and programs for each specialization and field of study. It oversees the proper distribution of teaching loads among faculty members, examines and monitors the provision of textbooks, teaching materials, and pedagogical literature for students and teachers, and supervises the state of work in this area. The Council aims to direct the activities of departments in the teaching and methodological field.

Members of the Teaching and Methodological Council:


1.      Rafiq Vilayet oglu Rahimov - Vice-Rector for Teaching and Educational Affairs, Chairman.

2.      Shahin Yusif oglu Aliyev - Head of the Educational Department, Deputy Chair.

3.      Elburus Ali oglu Valiyev - Head of the Department of Azerbaijani Language and Literature, Secretary.

4.      Orkhan Jafar oglu Jafarov - Scientific Secretary, Member.

5.      Shirmammad Qudrat oglu Gulubeyli - Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, Member.

6.      Taleh Ferman oglu Khalilov - Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, Member.

7.      Shahla Kifayet gizi Shiraliyeva - Head of the Department of Journalism and Foreign Literature, Member.

8.      Javanshir Ibrahim oglu Zeynalov - Dean of the Faculty of Architecture and Engineering, Member.

9.      Chapay Qadir oglu Guliyev - Director of the Center for Master's and Doctoral Studies, Member.

10.  Yusif Hussein oglu Huseynov - Dean of the Faculty of International Relations and Law, Member.

11.  Inara Eldar gizi Meharramova - Head of the Department of Music History and Theory, Member.

12.  Ashraf Umud oglu Alekperov - Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management, Member.

13.  Khumar Shamsi gizi Mammadova - Director of the Scientific Library, Member.

14.  Dashkin Alekber oglu Seyidov - Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, Member.

15.  Huseyn Jafar oglu Asgarli - Head of the Department of Information Technologies, Member.

16.  Ilhama Rafiq gizi Mustafayeva - Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Member.

17.  Ismayil Javanshir oglu Qeribli - Head of the Law Department, Member.

18.  Elnara Islam gizi Allahverdiyeva - Head of the Technological Transfer and Innovations Department, Member.