Faculty of Economics


According to the letter No. 46-II-4537-16 dated 18.10.1991 of the Ministry of Public Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan (now the Ministry of Education), according to the order No. 251 of Nakhchivan State University named after Academician Yusif Mammadaliyev dated November 1, 1991, "Economics" faculty was established, which covers Economics and Management of Production, Accounting, control and analysis of economic activities. In 2020, by the decision of the Scientific Council of Nakhchivan State University, the name of the faculty was changed to "Economics and Management" faculty.

Deans of the faculty:

l  Akif Veli oghlu Madatov, phd in economics, associate professor 1991-1994

l  Agarza Aghahasan oglu Rustamov doctor of science in economics professor 1994-2004

l  Asif Ismayil oglu Shiraliyev doctor of science in economics professor 2004-2014

l  Mehdi Siyavush oglu Bagirov,phd in economics, associate professor 2016-2017

l  Ashraf Umud oglu Alekbarov, phd in economics, associate professor 2018-

Deputy deans of the faculty:

l  Shukur Alosh oglu Mammadov Ph.D., associate professor 1991-1994

l  Yusif Huseyn oglu Huseynov PhD, associate professor 1994-1995

l   Mammad Huseyn oghlu Rzayev Ph.D., Professor 1995-1997

l  Teymur Abbas oglu Abbasov  doctor of science in economics, professor 1997-2004

l  Moslum Ali oglu Jabbarzade,phd in economics, associate professor 2004-2014

l  Teymur Abbas oglu Abbasov  doctor of science in economics, professor 2014-2016

l  Ashraf Umud oglu Alekbarov,phd in economics, associate professor 2016-2018

l   Rauf Abdulla oglu Rahimov 2018-2021

l  Asif Eldar oglu Abdullayev 2022-


Currently, there are 4 chairs in the faculty.

Bachelor's preparation in the following specialties is carried out at the faculty:

l  Economics (full-time and part-time departments)

l  Economics (in English)

l  Accounting (full-time and part-time departments)

l  Management

l  Marketing

l  Organization of tourism work

l  State and municipal administration

l  International trade and logistics

l  Finance


Thanks to the state care for education in our republic, the scale of the achievements is increasing. As a logical result of all this, in 2017, a new teaching building for the Faculty of Economics and Management was built and made available to teachers and students. With the joint activity of the faculty dean's office and departments, educational programs were developed in accordance with the requirements of the Bologna system, and the organization of taught subjects based on modern standards was always in focus. 3 professors, 14 associate professors, 6 senior teachers, 17 teachers and 4 teaching assistants work in the faculty in the field of training of highly qualified economists. The educational base of the faculty consists of 24 auditoriums with 1 electronic chair, 5 projectors and smart boards, a library and a computer classroom connected to high-speed Internet.

Students of the faculty always successfully participate in both internal university and international events. It is more gratifying that our students represent our faculty and University in knowledge competitions. The successful participation of the students of our faculty in the "startup" movement, which has become widespread in the recent period, both at the level of the republic and at the level of the autonomous republic, deserves more attention. So, on 12.10.2018, the winner of the Nakhchivan tour within the framework of the "Idea to Business" project was the "Noahland" team of the Faculty of Economics and Management of Nakhchivan State University.

For the first time, they were invited to the National Final within the "Innovations Week" organized on October 26-30 in Baku. At the National Final held at the Heydar Aliyev Center on October 26, 2018, the "Noahland" project of the Faculty of Economics and Management of Nakhchivan State University was awarded the third place. As the winning project in the National Final, the team of the Faculty of Economics of Nakhchivan State University performed at the XXIV "Bakutel" International Telecommunication, Innovation and High Technologies exhibition-conference organized on December 4-7, 2018.

In 2020, the "Vita Block" project presented by the students of the Faculty of Economics and Management won the first place in the startup competition held by the Ministry of Economy of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic.

The ENACTUS movement has a very important role to play in strengthening the economic potential of Azerbaijan, to stimulate the entrepreneurial activity of young people, to promote the idea of ​​free entrepreneurship among students, to develop students' abilities to organize, manage and work in a team. The ENACTUS (SİFE) team of Nakhchivan State University, which is composed mainly of students of the Faculty of Economics and Management, was established in 2008. Despite being active for a short period of time, the team has achieved many successes in the competitions held. Thus, in 2009, in the national championship attended by the most prestigious universities of the country, our students successfully performed and won the 3rd place and won the right to represent our country in the competition between the countries of Central Asia and the South Caucasus. The projects presented by our students at the regional Forum, attended by the teams of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan, were highly evaluated by the international jury and declared the winners in the "Best Business Project" and "Best Social Project" nominations.

At the national championship held in Baku in 2010, our team performed more confidently and won the title of 2010 ENACTUS (SİFE) champion, leaving behind all its competitors. The team consisting of 14 members successfully represented our country at the world championship held in Los Angeles, California, USA. In the competitions for the 2010 World Cup, the team of our university was awarded the 4th place in the group stage, and one of the presented projects won the "successful product" nomination.

It is a good thing that our team won the 1st place at the 6th Republican Championship held in Baku in May 2011, and won the right to represent Azerbaijan at the World Championship held in Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia, as national champion for the second time.

In 2012 and 2013, our team was awarded the 3rd place in the national championship.

Our ENACTUS team, which became the champion of Azerbaijan for the 3rd time in 2014, represented our country in the World Championship held in China. In addition, within the framework of Erasmus, Maulana and other programs, our students study in foreign countries both at the bachelor's and master's level.

Dean of the faculty: Ashraf Umud oglu Alakbarov, phd in economics, associate professor

Deputy dean for educational affairs: Asif Eldar oglu Abdullayev

Adviser-professor: prof. Rustamov Agarza Aghahasan oglu;

Academic advisor (tutor): Turman Farman oglu Alakbarli


Chairs of Economics and Marketing - established in 1991

Currently, 17 teachers and 1 laboratory assistant are working in the "Economics and Marketing" chair. Out of 17 employees of the "Economics" chair, 8 are full-time and 9 are part-time teachers. Among the employees of the chair, 5 people are associate professors, 3 people are senior teachers, and 9 people are teachers. In the "Economics" chair, staff training is carried out in the following specialties of the bachelor's and master's level of higher education:

On the bachelor's level

1. Economics - taught in Azerbaijani (full-time and part-time departments);

2. Economics - taught in English.

3. Marketing

On the Master's degree

1. Regulation of the economy - teaching in the Azerbaijani language;

2. Regulation of the economy - teaching in English.

Professors and teachersn of the chair

1 Ibrahimov Eltun Yulet oglu - doctor of science in eceonomics, associate professor, head of the chair

2 Alekbarov Ashraf Umud oghlu - doctor of science in eceonomics, docent

3 Adigozalova Havva Asker gizi -, PhD, docent

4 Babayev Turgan Khalil oghlu - phd in economics, docent

5 Ismayilov Bakhtiyar Veli oghlu - phd in economics, docent

6 Abbasova Maisa Mammad gizi - senior teacher

7 Hasanov Bahram Hasan oglu - senior teacher

8 Zamanov Abdulhuseyn Shahhuseyn oglu - senior teacher

9 Nasirov Elshan Nureddin oglu - Teacher

10 Askerova Mahsati Rafiq gizi - Teacher

11 Bagirov Ismayil Bagir oglu - Teacher

12 Mehbaliyev Nihad Nasreddin oglu - Teacher

13 Alakbarov Rasul Safar oglu - Teacher

14 Novruzov Vusal Kheybar oglu - Teacher

15 Guluzade Tahmasib Jalali oglu - Teacher

16 Alibeyli Elchin Humbat oglu - Teacher

17 Alizade Talat Fakhreddin oglu - Teacher

18 Abbasova Bahriya Nizami gizi - Laboratory technician

  Chair of Accounting and Finance - established in 1996

Currently, 8 teachers and 1 laboratory technician are working in the "Accounting and Finance" chair. 5 full-time and 3 part-time teachers of the scientific-pedagogical staff of the "Accounting and Finance" chair. 1 person is a professor, 4 are associate professors, 2 are senior teachers, and 1 is a teacher.

Bachelor degree: Accounting (full-time and part-time department)

On the Master's degree: Accounting and auditing in the production sphere

Professors and teachers of the chair

1 Abbasov Teymur Abbas oghlu - doctor of science in eceonomics, head of the chair

2 Ahmadov Nazim Hidayat oghlu - doctor of science in eceonomics prof

3 Bagirov Mehdi Siyavush oghlu - doctor of science in eceonomics, docent

4 Ibrahimova Nuriya Huseyn gizi - phd in economics, associate professor

5 Imanova Mehriban Tayyar gizi - phd in economics, associate professor

6 Tahmazbeyova Kamala Jamilgizi - senior teacher

7 Abbasov Hasan Saleh oglu - senior teacher

8 Mammadova Mehpara Elkhan gizi - Teacher

9 Aliyeva Lala Ali gizi - Laboratory technician


Chair of international trade and management - established in 1998

Currently, 9 teachers are working in the "International trade and management" chair. 3 out of 9 employees who perform scientific-pedagogical activity in the "International trade and management" chair are full-time, 6 are part-time. Among the employees of the chair, 5 are associate professors, 2 are senior teachers, and 2 are teachers. In the "International trade and management" chair, staff training is carried out in the following specialties of the bachelor's and master's level of higher education:

On the bachelor's level

1. Management

2. International trade and logistics

Master's degree

1. International economic relations

2. Strategic management

3. Business organization and management (Banking)-MBA

Department of Municipalities and Tourism, established in 2004

There are eight employees and one chief laboratory assistant in the Department of Municipalities and Tourism. Eight employees are engaged in scientific-pedagogical activities in this department. Among them, one person is an associate professor, one person is a doctor of philosophy, one person is a senior teacher, five people are teachers, and one person works as a teaching assistant.

1. State and municipal administrations

2. Organization of tourism work

1. Organization and management of civil service



Last name, name and father name

Scientific degree


Karimova Flora Bahlul

PhD in Philosophy, head of the department


Jabbarov Ali Kheybar

PhD in Economy, associate professor


Isayeva Gunel Shirin

Senior teacher


Hasanzade Ulkar Elkhan



Bababeyli Nigar Nazim



Zeynalov Habib Azim



Abdullayev Asif Eldar



Zamanov Sattar Mukhtar



Ahmedova Fatmakhanim Eldar

Chief laboratory assistant



The Scientific Council of the Faculty of Economics and Management is elected for a period of three years based on the order of the rector of Nakhchivan State University. The Scientific Council of the Faculty examines issues related to the training of specialists in the faculty, the scientific-research activity of the faculty and the material and technical supply of the departments, elects the dean of the faculty and conducts competitions for filling the positions of professors and teaching staff in the established manner, drafts of curricula and programs, teaching-methodical procedures of the departments, listens and discusses the reports on scientific-research work, discusses the plans of scientific-research and educational work, listens to the dean's report every year, discusses the results of teaching and industrial experiences, conducts the elections of associate professors and senior teachers in the faculty, to give them scientific titles raises the issue before the Scientific Council of the higher educational institution, discusses the state of scientific-research works and measures to improve it, and considers other issues related to the faculty's activity. The work of the Faculty Scientific Council is carried out on the basis of the prepared plan. The work plan of the Faculty Scientific Council is implemented after discussion at the Council meeting.

The composition of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Economics and Management are as follows:


a)      Those who are members according to their positions:


Alekbarov Ashraf Umud oglu (chairman)

-          Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management, PhD in Economics, associate Professor


Abdullayev Asif Eldar oghlu (deputy chairman)

-          Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management


Abbasova Maisa Mammad gizi (Scientific secretary)

-          Senior teacher of the Department of Economics and Marketing


Abbasov Teymur Abbas oglu

-          Head of the Department of Accounting and Finance, Doctor of Economic sciences, professor


Gasimov Javadkhan Yusif oglu

-          Head of the Department of International Trade and Management, PhD in Economics, assosiate professor


Karimova Flora Bahlul gizi

-          Head of the Department of Municipalities and Tourism, PhD in Philosophy


Ibrahimov Eltun Yulet oglu

-          Associate professor of the Department of Economics and Marketing, PhD in Economics


Kangarli Nazir Javadkhan oglu

-          Chairman of Student Scientific Society of the Faculty

b) Members based on election



Ahmedov Nazim Hidayat oglu

-          Department of Accounting and Finance, Doctor of Economic sciences, professor


Ibrahimova Nuria Huseyn gizi

-          Department of Accounting and Finance, PhD in Economics, associate professor


Adigozelova Havva Asker gizi

-          Department of Economics and Marketing, PhD in Economics, associate professor


Jabbarov Ali Kheybar oghlu

-          Department of Municipalities and Tourism, PhD in Economics, associate professor


Sheikhov Ali Taghi oglu

-          Chairman of the Student Union of the Faculty


Huseynli Nijat Safar oglu

-          Chairman of the Student Youth Organization of the Faculty


Gasimov Abbas Huseyn oghlu

-          Chairman of the New Azerbaijan Party Youth Organization of the faculty