Key Concepts


Educational credit is a unit of measurement of the time allocated to mastering a subject, according to its content and scope.

The curriculum of the specialty (specialization) is the main regulatory document that determines the amount of hours allocated to the subjects and extracurricular activities taught in accordance with the educational programs of the specialty (specializations) at the relevant level of higher education.

The study schedule of the specialty (specialization) is a document that reflects the division of subjects specified in the curriculum of the specialty (specialization) by academic years.

The student's individual study plan is a document that reflects the subjects the student will study during the academic year, their corresponding credits, and the list of teachers for the subjects.

The annual working study plan for specialties (specializations) is a document prepared according to the study plan of the specialty (specialization) and individual study plans of students.

The teacher's annual work plan is a document that includes the subjects taught by the teacher, the amount of hours allocated to lectures and exercises (laboratory), the teaching of those subjects by semesters, and the number of students per subject.

The student's free work is an independent work in which the student carries out individually designed tasks freely and under the guidance of the teacher outside the classroom.

Academic advisor (tutor) is a teaching advisor in higher education institutions.

Academic mobility is the right of students and faculty members to freely study and engage in academic activities in domestic and foreign higher education institutions, respectively.

ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) is a system that determines the student's workload and educational trajectory in order to achieve the competencies defined by the educational program. This system also ensures student mobility and facilitates cross-state comparison and recognition procedures of study programs.

Prerequisite subjects – subjects that are required to be taught in advance.

A transcript is a document that contains the credits and grades (in numbers and letters) a student has earned in the subjects he/she has taken during his/her education.

Subject registration is a procedure for students to choose subjects in the order determined by the educational institution.

Grade Point Average (GPA) is an indicator of the student's level of mastery of the educational program. GPA is applied in order to activate the student's educational activity, create a self-control mechanism, and evaluate his achievements in education.

The academic calendar is a document containing the events planned for the academic year at a higher education institution.

A successful student is a student who earns the specified credits in all subjects listed in the individual study plan.

A student in academic debt is a student who fails to earn a specified credit in at least one of the subjects listed in the individual curriculum.