Teaching at our University

1. General Provisions

1.1. These Regulations are prepared in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on "Education," the "State Program on Reforms in Higher Education System of the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2009-2013," approved by Presidential Decree No. 295 dated May 22, 2009, the "State Standard and Program for Higher Education Level," approved by the Cabinet of Ministers' Decision No. 75 dated April 23, 2010, the "Regulations on Content and Organization of Undergraduate Education," approved by Decision No. 117 dated June 24, 2010, and the "Regulations on Content, Organization, and Awarding of Master's Degrees," approved by Decision No. 88 dated May 12, 2010, as well as the European Credit Transfer System.

1.2. These Regulations apply to all higher education institutions in the Republic of Azerbaijan, regardless of their subordination, ownership type, or organizational-legal form. Foreign higher education institutions and/or their branches in Azerbaijan, duly registered and licensed, may apply the rules for organizing education that exist in their home countries.

1.3. The features of the credit-based education system include:

1.3.1. Each student's individual study plan and their involvement in its development;

1.3.2. Flexibility in selecting subjects, credits per semester, teachers, and academic advisors (tutors) in accordance with the institution’s curriculum;

1.3.3. Involvement of academic advisors (tutors) in the education process;

1.3.4. Provision of conditions for independent work;

1.3.5. Application of a multi-point system for evaluating knowledge;

1.3.6. Formation of teaching groups by subjects each semester;

1.3.8. Provision of mobility for students and teachers;

1.3.9. Duration of study dependent on the student's achievements (except for specialized higher education institutions);

1.3.10. Coding of faculties, departments, specialties, subjects, teachers, and students.

1.4. The higher education institution must familiarize students with the rules of the credit system and ensure that they have the opportunity to earn the credits specified in their study plan.

1.5. The organization of education based on the credit system in higher education institutions is regulated by relevant departments (teaching section, registration, evaluation, monitoring sections).

1.6. These Regulations apply to both full-time (fulltime) and part-time (parttime) forms of education.

1.7. Funding for the implementation of these Regulations is provided from state budget allocations for state-ordered students, as well as from payments for paid education, entrepreneurial activities, and other activities carried out in accordance with legislation.


2. Basic Concepts

2.1. The main concepts used in these Regulations are defined as follows:

2.1.1. **Educational Credit** - A unit of measurement for the time allocated for mastering the content and volume of a subject;

2.1.2. **Specialization (Major) Curriculum** - A regulatory document determining the amount of hours allocated for taught subjects and extracurricular activities based on the education program for the relevant level of higher education;

2.1.3. **Specialization (Major) Teaching Schedule** - A document reflecting the distribution of subjects according to the academic years specified in the specialization curriculum;

2.1.4. **Student’s Individual Study Plan** - A document showing the subjects the student will study during the academic year, their corresponding credits, and the list of teachers for these subjects;

2.1.5. **Annual Working Teaching Plan for Specializations** - A document reflecting the names of subjects to be taught in the current academic year, types of classes, credits for subjects, and number of students, prepared according to the specialization curriculum and students' individual study plans;

2.1.6. **Teacher’s Annual Working Teaching Plan** - A document showing the subjects taught by the teacher, the number of hours allocated for lectures and classes (laboratory work), semester-wise teaching of these subjects, and the number of students for each subject;

2.1.7. **Student’s Independent Work** - The independent work done by the student outside the classroom, both freely and under the guidance of the teacher;

2.1.8. **Academic Advisor (Tutor)** - An advisor at higher education institutions;

2.1.9. **Academic Mobility** - The right of students and faculty to study and conduct academic activities freely in domestic and foreign higher education institutions;

2.1.10. **European Credit Transfer System (ECTS)** - A system that determines the student’s workload and direction of study to achieve competencies defined by the educational program. This system also ensures student mobility and facilitates the comparison and recognition of educational programs between countries;

2.1.11. **Prerequisite Subjects** - Subjects that are required to be studied first;

2.1.12. **Academic Transcript** - A document showing the credits and grades (in numerical and letter form) earned by the student during their studies;

2.1.13. **Course Registration** - The procedure for students to select subjects according to the rules set by the educational institution;

2.1.14. **Grade Point Average (GPA)** - An indicator of the student's level of proficiency in the educational program. GPA is used to activate the student’s academic activities, create a self-monitoring mechanism, and assess the achievements obtained in education;

2.1.15. **Academic Calendar** - A document reflecting the events scheduled for the academic year at the higher education institution;

2.1.16. **Successfully Studying Student** - A student who has earned the credits specified for all subjects in their individual study plan;

2.1.17. **Student with Academic Debt** - A student who has failed to earn the specified credits for at least one subject in their individual study plan;

2.1.18. **Full-Time Education** - A form of full-time education where the duration corresponds to the normative period specified by the specialization curriculum, planned by the higher education institution;

2.1.19. **Part-Time Education** - A form of part-time education where, according to the specialization curriculum, a student plans to study at least two subjects each semester;

2.1.20. **Current Evaluation** - Evaluation of the student’s performance in a subject during the semester;

2.1.21. **Intermediate Evaluation** - Evaluation of the student’s knowledge and skills during the exam period.


3. Educational Process

3.1. Teaching and Methodological Support

3.1.1. Education at higher education institutions is conducted based on the specialization (major) education program. The organization of education and teaching-methodological support for specific specializations (majors) is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on "Education," the "State Standard and Program for Higher Education Level," approved by the Cabinet of Ministers' Decision No. 75 dated April 23, 2010, the "Regulations on Content and Organization of Undergraduate Education," approved by Decision No. 117 dated June 24, 2010, and the "Regulations on Content, Organization, and Awarding of Master's Degrees," approved by Decision No. 88 dated May 12, 2010.

3.1.2. In the credit system, the following teaching documents are used according to the forms determined by the Ministry of Science and Education of Azerbaijan Republic: Specialization (Major) Curriculum; Specialization (Major) Teaching Schedule; Annual Working Teaching Plan for Specialization (Major); Student’s Individual Study Plan; Teacher’s Annual Working Teaching Plan.

3.2. Organization of Teaching

3.2.1. The academic year consists of two semesters (fall and spring). Additionally, a summer semester may be organized for no more than six weeks during the summer vacation.

3.2.2. For both levels of higher education, full-time education is organized for 40 weeks. Each semester consists of 20 weeks (including 5 weeks for exams). For a semester, a full-time student may be assigned up to 30 credits (the number may be less if the student has academic debts in prerequisite subjects), and a part-time student may be assigned up to 20 credits. One credit corresponds to 30 hours of classroom and independent work by the student. In a 5-day workweek, the total weekly load for classroom and independent work is 45 hours (except for specialized higher education institutions).

3.2.19. The higher educational institution prepares and approves the annual work curriculum for the next academic year for the specialties (specializations) and lesson schedules for the subjects based on the individual study plans of the students.

3.2.21. The teaching process is organized in the classroom and outside the classroom (independent work of the student and free work under the guidance of the teacher). The amount of free work is determined by the higher education institution according to the academic hours allocated to lectures, seminars and practical exercises. The teacher's free work with students is considered his/her teaching-methodical work.

3.2.22. The type and form of the student's free work (individual, team, group task, etc.) is determined by the teacher teaching the subject.

3.2.23. A student who does not participate in more than 25 percent of the classroom hours allocated for a subject (except for athletes-students who are members of national teams approved by the Board of the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Azerbaijan) is not allowed to take the exam in that subject. This limit can be reduced by the institution of higher education.

3.2.24. If the student has an academic debt in the current semester, he/she will be deprived of the scholarship in the next semester (except for special higher education institutions). If that student earns credits in all subjects taken in the current semester (according to their academic achievement in the subjects, taking into account the overall GPA), their scholarship is reinstated from the next semester.

3.3. Drawing up of a student's individual study plan

3.3.1. An individual study plan is prepared by the faculty for the first academic year for newly admitted students to a higher educational institution. The student must receive the individual study plan by September 10. In the next academic year, students prepare their individual study plan and submit it to the faculty from July 5 to 15, in anticipation of the requirements of subsection 3.2.11 of these Regulations. The student can make corrections in the individual study plan until September 10. The individual study plan is approved by the educational institution before the beginning of the academic year, and one copy of this study plan is kept by the student, and one copy is kept by the institution determined by the higher education institution.

3.3.2. It is not allowed to change the student's individual study plan later. Only those who have academic debt from the fall semester can make appropriate adjustments in their individual study plans for the next semester in the first week of the winter vacation in the manner determined by the higher education institution.

3.3.3. The number of students in the group created for each subject in higher education institutions is determined by the higher education institution, depending on the feature of the subject and the form of teaching. If the specified number of students for a subject is not collected, that subject is not included in the annual working curriculum of the specialty (specialization), and students are informed about it. Students enrolled in that subject make appropriate changes in their individual study plans.

3.3.4. If the student does not submit his/her individual study plan for the next academic year at the appointed time, his/her education is organized according to the study schedule of the specialty for that year at the higher educational institution.

3.4. Organization of the summer semester

 3.4.1. The summer semester is organized with the following goals: cancellation of academic debts; earning credits of selective subjects included in the department of humanities and determined by the higher education institution, with the prerequisites of the subjects expected; raising the grade of a mastered subject; creating conditions for students of other higher education institutions to earn appropriate credits in different subjects offered by the higher education institution.

3.4.2. The summer semester is organized after the end of the spring semester, and its start period is determined by the higher education institution. The duration of the summer semester (theoretical training and exams) is 6 (six) weeks (except for special higher education institutions). The exam period is organized in the last week of the summer semester, not exceeding 1 (one) week.

3.4.3. The total number of credits in the subjects taken by the student in the summer semester should not exceed 10.

3.4.4. The summer semester and exams are completed 2 weeks before the start of the next semester.

3.4.5. For students who do not participate in the exam in the summer semester due to a valid reason, an exam is organized once before the beginning of the next semester.

3.4.6. Regardless of his participation in the summer semester, the student must submit his/her individual study plan for the fall semester to the faculty from July 5 to 15, and he/she can make appropriate changes to his/her individual study plan during the period specified in subsection 3.3.1 of these Regulations.

3.4.7. A student is not allowed to retake the exam in order to improve his/her grade in the subject in which he/she has passed. But, he retakes the subject again and listens to the lessons in the summer semester to improve his grade. If the student does not achieve his goal, his previous score remains valid.

3.4.8. In accordance with the requirements of subsection 3.2.23 of these Regulations, if the student who fails the exam attends more than 50 percent of the classes specified for the subject (subjects) in the semester, he has the right to retake that subject (subjects) in the summer semester.

3.4.9. The summer semester in higher education institutions is carried out on a voluntary basis on a paid basis (with the exception of special higher education institutions).

3.4.10. In the summer semester, the payment of a student's credit for a subject is determined in accordance with the requirements of clause 4.3 of these Regulations.

3.4.11. In the summer semester, the number of students in the subject group is determined by the higher education institution, taking into account the financial possibilities.

3.4.12. Teachers are involved in the summer semester on a voluntary basis. At this time, the teacher's activity is paid on an hourly basis. In addition, teachers are paid extra due to the funds obtained from group for the subject. The amount of that payment is determined by the higher education institution.

3.4.13. The salaries of other employees involved in this work are paid by the order of the rector of the higher education institution from the funds obtained in the summer semester, except for those specified in subsection 3.4.12 of these Regulations.

3.4.14. Higher education institutions freely determine the payment amount of summer semester organizers and teachers according to their financial capabilities.

4. Rights and duties of students

4.1. When designing his/her individual study plan, the student must familiarize himself with these Regulations and strictly adhere to the requirements herein.

4.2. During education, the student is obliged to master the taught subjects by strictly following the individual study plan.

4.2-1. The student has the right to choose a teacher in accordance with subsection 3.2.17 of these Regulations.

4.3. A student is not excluded from the list of students if he/she is unable to collect the required credits within the period determined by the educational program for the specialty (specialization) (with the exception of special higher education institutions). That student can continue his education only on a paid basis, being kept in the contingent. In this case, the amount of the student's payment is determined by dividing the annual tuition fees for the specialty by 60 and multiplying the result by the credits of the subjects taken by him.

4.4. A student may earn credits in other higher education institutions in accordance with the requirements of clause 6.1 of these Regulations.

4.5. A student can obtain his/her academic transcript from the institution of higher education at any time during his/her studies.

4.6. A student admitted to a higher education institution on a full-time basis on a paid basis is given the right to study on a full-time or part-time basis. In this case, the annual tuition fee of a full-time student during the normative period of education is determined by the academic year, and for a part-time student, it is determined according to the credits of the subjects taken according to the individual study schedule in accordance with the requirements of clause 4.3 of these Regulations.

5. Academic advisor (tutor) service

5.1. The service of academic advisors (tutors) is organized in higher education institutions for the purpose of promoting the Bologna process, organizing education with the credit system, applying the ECTS system and providing assistance to students.

5.2. Tutors are selected from among highly educated persons with certain experience and competence in this field.

5.3. The tutor is appointed to this position by order of the rector.

5.4. Tutors:

5.4.1. protect students' rights and academic interests;

5.4.2. provide students with all the necessary information and documents related to the organization of the educational process;

5.4.3. give advice to students for the preparation of individual study plans;

5.4.4. during the period specified in subsection 3.3.1 of these Regulations, organizes the acceptance of individual study plans of students and participates in the compilation of annual work study plans for specialties (specializations);

5.4.5. help students to make changes in their individual study plans;

5.4.6. participate in the organization of the summer semester.

6. Student and teacher mobility

6.1. In accordance with the provisions of the Bologna declaration on the organization of education with a credit system, the academic mobility of students is ensured by earning credits in separate subjects in other higher education institutions, including in foreign higher education institutions. The student's earning of credits in other higher education institutions is carried out with the consent of the higher education institution where he studied. At this time, the terms of payment of tuition fees are agreed between the student and the sending and receiving higher education institutions. Earned credits must be recognized by the student's higher education institution. The number of credits to be earned in other higher education institutions should not exceed 30 percent of the credits provided for the specialty (specialization).

6.2. In order to ensure the student's academic mobility, there must be the following documents which’s forms and samples are determined by the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan:

6.2.1. academic transcript;

6.2.2. the student's application form (filled in the language to be studied);

6.2.3. teaching consent;

6.2.4. data packet.

6.3. The mobility of the professor-teaching staff (lecturing, conducting seminars, practical exercises, laboratory work) is carried out on the basis of a special agreement between higher education institutions.