Finance Department

The Finance Department of Nakhchivan State University has been operating since 1967, when the higher school was founded. The financial department, being the structural department of Nakhchivan State University, is directly subordinate to the rector of the university and carries out the financial and economic activities of the enterprise, organization and management of accounting.

In the activity of the finance department, the Tax Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Accounting, the Labor Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Social Insurance, the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Social Benefits, other regulatory documents on accounting, the Charter of Nakhchivan State University, the Rector of Nakhchivan State University is guided by its orders and the decisions of the Scientific Council and its own charter.

In 2023, according to the decision of the Scientific Council, the Procurement department was established under the Finance department. Necessary works are being carried out for the prompt resolution of cases in these structural units.

The financial department performs the following tasks:

Organization of accounting of financial and economic activity;

Finance of Nakhchivan State University on the correct reflection of farm operations in the accounting accounts, its control, presentation of operational information, preparation and submission of accounting (financial) reports within the specified periods, detection and reporting of intra-farm reserves together with other departments and service areas - performing the economic analysis of economic activity, inventorying;

Submitting a tax report to the tax authorities in the cases and in the manner determined by the legislation;

 Timely reflection of operations related to the movement of fixed assets, material goods and cash in accounting accounts;

Ensuring timely receipt of income;

Conducting operational accounting of financial and calculation operations conducted on bank accounts of Nakhchivan State University, accounting of financial funds movement and preparation of reports on financial activity results in accordance with financial accounting standards;

Accounting of economic and banking operations, fixed assets and liabilities, intangible assets, low-value items, material reserves and invoices;

In accordance with the requirements of the legislation in the field of public procurement, implementation of work on the organization and conduct of procurement through a single internet portal, to ensure the preparation of a set of conditions;

Compliance with the Strategic Development Plan (SDP) is taken into account when planning financial resources. Compilation of financial and accounting reports in accordance with the requirements of the legislation and submission to relevant authorities is carried out quarterly and annually.


1   Head of department - chief accountant  
2 Abbasov Həsən Saleh oğlu Deputy director  
3 Vəliyeva Yazgül Heydər qızı Lead accountant  
4 Quluzadə Təhmasib Cəlalı oğlu Lead accountant  
5 Haqverdiyeva Tavat Vəli qızı Lead accountant  
6 Məmmədov Cəmil Mikayıl oğlu Lead accountant  
7 Məmmədli Fuad Məhəmməd oğlu Accountant  
8 Təhməzbəyova Elmira Nadir qızı Accountant  
9 Hüseynova Əfsanə Cəlil qızı Programmer accountant  
10 Rəhimova Nuray Məmmədəli qızı Programmer accountant