Law Division

The Legal Division of Nakhchivan State University is a structural unit directly subordinate to the University's rector. The division is established and dissolved by the decision of the University's Academic Council. It operates under the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the "Law on Education" of the Republic of Azerbaijan, other laws, decrees, and orders of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, decisions, and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the University's Charter, other legislative acts, orders, and directives of the University's rector, and decisions of the University's Academic Council.

The division operates in the following directions:

1. Prepares and applies the necessary normative-legal framework for the University's activities.

2. Checks the compliance of orders, instructions, charters, regulations, and other documents requiring legal opinion with the legislation.

3. Defends the University's rights and legitimate interests in court, ensuring the preparation of procedural documents (claims, objections to claims, appeals, cassations, etc.) related to court proceedings.

4. Represents and defends the University in relations with state bodies, local self-government bodies, legal and physical persons on matters within the division's scope.

5. Represents the University at various levels of events related to the division's activities.

6. Participates in commissions and working groups established at the University and contributes to their work.

7. Raises issues with the University's management regarding the participation of University staff as experts or witnesses in court hearings.

8. Prepares proposals for eliminating the causes and conditions that lead to violations of legislation, organizational-instructive documents, and inadequate execution of duties and functions by the University's staff.

9. Provides legal opinions on submitted documents, offers recommendations to bring them into compliance with legislation, and participates in the preparation of normative documents.

10. Monitors the compliance of documents returned to the University departments or specialists with legal requirements, based on the division's opinions.

11. Analyzes information on fines paid by the University for breach of contractual obligations and takes measures to make changes to the execution process.

12. Prepares and presents proposals for pre-litigation resolution of disputes to the management.

13. Reviews complaints (claims) related to the University's activities, verifies their validity, examines the relevant procedural deadlines, references to normative acts, contracts, and other legal documents made by the claimant, and verifies the factual circumstances reflected in the complaints (claims).

14. Operates in other directions determined by legislation.

Law Department Staff:

- Chair of the Department: Ismayil Javanshir oglu Garibli

- Chief Lawyer: Atilla Asgar oglu Ozturk