
Documents preserved in the archive fund of Nakhchivan State University

Archival documents created as a result of the activities of administrations, organizations and enterprises and included in the National archive fund are handed over to the relevant state archives for permanent protection after the expiration of the periods specified in Article 10 of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On the National Archive Fund". The archive of Nakhchivan State University handed over all the documents from 1967 to 2017 to MR Nakhchivan State Archive. At present, the documents are protected and preserved in the archive of Nakhchivan State University until 2018-2024.

The documents in the archive are from 2018-2024





Chief archivist of the personnel and general affairs department:       Məmmədova Xədicə Fəxrəddin qızı

                                                                                   Lead archivist:       Gülməmmədova Esmira Əmir qızı   

                                                                                                       tel:        +994703330282