The Dissertation Council at Nakhchivan State University was established in 1998. At the first stage of its activity, the defense of candidate theses in the fields of Azerbaijani literature and Azerbaijani language was held in this Council. At the next stage, the composition and scope of the Council was expanded, and the specialties of Homeland History, Pedagogical Theory and History were added.

Currently, there are FD.2.39 permanent, BFD 2.39/1 and BFD.4.24 one-time Dissertation Boards operating at Nakhchivan State University.  In addition to university scientists, specialists from scientific and educational institutions in Baku were included in the composition of the councils. Dissertation defenses are held in the Dissertation Councils for obtaining a Ph.D. degree in the following specialties: 5716.01- Azerbaijani literature, 5706.01-Azerbaijani language, 5708.01-German languages, 5704.01-Language theory, 5308.01-General economics, 5311.01- Organization and management of enterprises

So far, more than 1,800 researchers have defended their dissertations to receive a Ph.D. degree at the Dissertation Boards. Dissertation defense was also organized for up to 20 researchers to receive the scientific degree of Doctor of Sciences in appropriate specialties with the inclusion of additional specialists.

Regulations of the department of organization and analysis of scientific activity